Hi my name is Ray and I like many people fell victim to the TLC Marketing, Dockers, JC Pennys free airline ticket scam of 2007.
Currently I'm talking to an attorney about filing a class action lawsuit on behalf of those of us who were taken in by this scam.
What I need to know is how many of us are out there who were victimized by this promotional scam? From what I've read those of us who were victimized fall into two different categories, those of us who have never heard from TLC Marketing, Dockers and or JC Pennys after sending in our completed vouchers and those who did receive their ticket only to have paid an exorbitant 90.00 fee. Can you or anyone shed some light about this fee and what goes into it?
Also it seems there maybe a second scam promotion run by TLC Marketing and T-Mobile. I would love to hear from anyone who felt they were scammed by TLC Marketing and T-Mobile.
If you would like to share your experience with me I would be very grateful.
My email is [email protected]