I noticed a mysterious charge for $36.99 from TLG great Fun on my debit card statement. After researching online and finding they are being sued in a class action suite for scamming, I contacted them to demand the charges be reversed immediately. They did agree to reverse the charges and even gave me a confirmation #... who know's if that really means anything. Most importantly, what I discovered from my conversation with TLG Great Fun is that the obtained my debit card information from Classmates.com!!! Without my knowledge, classmates.com (with whom I had a very limited experience with long ago and no longer use) released my debit card information to these scammers without my permission! THAT MUST TO BE ILLEGAL RIGHT? Anyway, classmates.com agreement states
"6. THIRD-PARTY OFFERS.We may allow other companies to offer you products and services, including offers through our Website or via email. Whether or not you decide to participate in such an offer is up to you. Your participation in any of these offers, including payment and delivery of related goods or services and the terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such offers, is solely between you and the third-party company. You agree that Classmates shall not be liable for any costs or damages you may incur resulting from your decision to enter such transactions."
I have filed a complaint online with the consumeraffairs.com. I just hope they're for real and not scammers.