We bought Haband clothing over a year and a half ago. We since received some checks stating that we were getting them because we were great customers. I did not read the fine print on the back of the check. <br />
We ended up finding out the hard way after cashing 2 of these checks. We ended up getting 2 different charges on our credit card ($139.99 each)for various services. We found out that they were connected to these checks that we cashed when I called back in Oct 2008.<br />
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We did not cash anymore checks from this time forward. Then another charge showed up for TLG*COMPLETEHME. Because I did not notice it right away (almost a month) they would only give us $111.53 instead of $139.99 on. The charge was Dec 17, 2008.<br />
When I asked how long this would go on - they said they did not know and I should not cash any more checks. I said that I had not so since before October.<br />
It has been a few months since we have had anything show up on our credit card, but this could have been overlooked and we would have been out almost $500.<br />
What a rip off.