When my father became seriously ill 2 months ago, we took over his bill paying, which up to that time had been handled by a friend of his since we live out-of-state. My 84-year-old father was legally blind, so he was unable to read anything on these bills. As we were going over his statement from Chase, we noticed a charge of $12.99 from an outfit called TLG*EVRYDAY. Looking back over previous statements, we saw a similar charge on every statement for each billing throughout the year. We called, to find out what this service was, and how he had come to be subscribed to it. When they described their "services" we knew it wasn't something my father would have been interested in, so we asked how it was that he had been signed up for it. After some pressing, they admitted that it was some trial offer through Habaand, that became a permanent charge if he didn't cancel after one month.
Of course, since he could not read his statements, he would have had no way of knowing this. I told them that this was a clearly unethical procedure, and that I expected them to correct it immediately, refunding to his estate, since he had passed away and the charge account had been cancelled, the entire amount charged over the previous year.
They said that they could immediately release 1-2 statements worth of charges. I insisted that they refund the entire amount, and they gave me a fax number to send the request to.
As of this date, we have received no refund check.