I wish to complain about an amount of money withdrawn from my bank account on Friday 19 March 2010 by a company trading as "TM Netgames". I was charged $11.44 (equating to £7.81) plus an overseas transaction fee of £1.25 but I have not bought anything from them (and now never will).
I would like to know how (A) they received my authorisation to take the money and (b) how the hell they got my bank details!
I am extremely careful about who/what companies I sign up with & give my bank details to so I know I have not given any authorisation for them to do this.
I want the company to refund my money IN FULL and compensate me for the stress it is causing me knowing that this can happen!!!
Please email me the response to this complaint to [email protected] and I expect to receive my FULL refund within the next 10 calendar days or I WILL be taking this further.
Many Thanks for your time and look forward to this being sorted out timeously.
Kind Regards
Claire Lawrence (Miss)
Angry Consumer