February 11, 2010
everything possible
Okay last year i had brought a motorola product from tmobile, that was the worst thing that i could have done! This phone was okay for the first couple of weeks then it went downhill from that. So i called in upteen times and they only wanted to troubleshoot my phone, sending me from rep to rep. Until finally they told me they came up with a solution(But they really didnt it made matters worse) so im believeing them feeding in too their bs. So they told me they would send me a replacement phone, which would be for the same make and model. So i tred that and that was worse than the first one( the first phone was doing a half ring and go to straight to my voicemail, dropping calls, and blackscreening) now phone number 2 was dropping calls, still half ringing, wasnt sending out text, or wasnt recieving them, freezing, white and blackscreening, and not allowing to use the internet feature that i was paying monthly for. So i kept calling in and the customer service reps got ruder and tried to play me for a fool. And so then they sent me yet another troublesome phone. So this makes 3 of the same phone that i had since jan. and it was only 4 months into getting the service!!! So then i just kept that phone till it was stolen and i had to replace it yet again through my insurance company. Now to top it all off my phone then was turing itself off with the same above problems, and they really gave me the run around with this telling all kind of garbage that was not even relevant to the problem at hand. So then that phone died a sudden mysterious death that has yet to be explained. So i got the same phone again cause thats all i was elgible for at the present moment. So this phone is making un-found calls to the police, and other contacts in my handset unbeknowist to me or not charted in tmobile records but minutes were being deducted from something i didnt even use!!! (those calls were supposed to be covered cause it was mainly my fave 5 being harrassed by this piece of crap phone!!! They still have no idea or evidence that i made outgoing calls but they still took my minutes... Bitches...