On craigslist I found an apartment in a perfect area with photos and contact information in Crystal City area. When I contacted the post, the individual explained that they were going through a divorce and moved back to england so they would need a 3rd party person to take care of the contracts and keys.
It was then explained to me that in order to view the property, I needed to pay the 1st months rent that would be reimbursed if I did not like the viewing and I could send the keys back etc.
THIS IS A SCAM! The company is taking the reputation of TNT Services, a legitmate shipping and services company all over the world, and using TNT inc as their misnomer.
Please be careful, I was pretty far along in the process of emailing this guy, Chirs Smedley, before i realized what was going on. ( I should have known by the misspelling of Chris...)