After reviewing the various sites on the internet, I decided to make my purchase from . My original order was placed on their site and I had made my purchase on my credit card. TNT Swiss called the next day and said because of the high volume of credit purchases, they were saving their card machine for purchases greater than $1, 500.00 dollars and I would have to pay via a US Postal Money Order, and make it out to N.A.R., Ltd. (North American Replicas, Ltd.). The order confirmation center called to confirm shipment of my order. They said I was going to love the watch and to make sure I filled out the warranty information when the watch arrived. Needless to say, there was no such warranty enclosed. I called TNT and emailed TNT requesting information to the latter. No response. I finally talked to Joe when he decided to answer his cell phone. He said he would complete the information for me and send a confirming copy. No confirming copy and now they do not answer the telephone or emails. I could have purchased a watch of this quaility on any corner of Chinatown for a lot less than the $545.00 plus shipping they charged for their so called Swiss.
I have now left messages as to what is required on me to return the watch. Naturally, they are not answering the phone or responding to emails. I even called Roger Naesmith ([email protected]) somewhere in Irvive, CA at the Order Confirmation Center. He only ships the merchandise and has nothing to do with TNT Swiss.
Apparrently TNT Swiss is just another example of a reputable company gone bad. I wish them all the best. Please remember, in the end you reap what you sow.