I went on the sight to see if they could tell the answer to my problem. I had already went on the web to see what i could learn first. well don't you know the Dr.DLOVE told me the same thing the web had said. Did he just do the same thing i had? not realy knowing any thing?
Of course I was not satisfied with the answer!
They state on line "You will have the optian to view and "ACCEPT" Experts' answers befor agreeing to pay them for thier work." Yet you have to fill out the information of your address and what cried card you will be using the #. So I did sence it also said they were okayed by the B.B.B.
When I was trying to get off the sight up pops "Windows Inter net Explor"
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there was no way to read the answer but to agree. I tryed ot get off the page first but it would not let me. i had to turn off the computer to get off. I then came back on the computer and went to my bank web page they had charaged $47.00 for two sights answer that I did not like the the answer to one question and i don't know were they got the second one from. then i wrote a not to nice letter to them on their "ask a legal question" then came on a lawyer name Tina and she want to help answer my question. not wanting to go thourth the mess again I ended having to turn off the computer. after turning back on my computer, again i went to my bank web page. it had gone up to $81.00. the last time i checked right befor on to this sight it was down at $51.57. belive me I will be going to my bank in the morning to fill frad charges on them for taking my money. As well as calling the B.B.B. on them. Thaks for letting me express my anger on this sighjt. God Bless, Sunshine