My wife and I received a Free Cruise invitation and we attended a a To Go Consulting, LLC presentation in February 2007. They were selling Travel to Go Lifetime memberships. They started off at $7500 but dropped it down to $3500 when I challenged them. It sounded like a good Deal and we got suckered in unfortunately. With the add on cruise fees to Travel To Go of San Diego, we lost $4287.00 to these scammers. We have researched both To Go Consulting, LLC and Travel to go of San Diego in depth and will share this information with someone (lawyer, reporter or police official) who can help us bag these bozos.
We have tried locally filing a police report but the county mounties here say it is a civil matter and will not touch the case. We are presently seeking legal action against Travel to Go and would like others assistance in making this a class action suit against both companies; Travel to Go and To Go Consulting. If someone can help, contact this website and leave your rebuttal.