Please refer to repeated reminders over telephone/emails regarding non-receipt of the gifts as per the orders mentioned below.
Date Order No. Authentication No. Amount
01.12.10 110098072 07712201 Rs. 5300/-
01.12.10 110098074 07712812 Rs. 499/-
01.12.10 110098077 07717560 Rs.5799/-
The orders were placed in response to your call to me in Mobile No. 09446405094. I deeply regret that despite repeated reminders, the gifts for the above orders have not been received till date. The payments were made through debit card of my Account No. 1595101007100 in Canara Bank, Muttada P.O, Thiruvananthapuram-25. The Authentication Numbers given above are the numbers shown in my bank passbook for the amount deducted from my account.
Kindly look into the matter urgently and make arrangement to dispatch the gifts without further delay.