AT+T bills me for "slammed" services even though I have told them I have not, and will not sign up for any 3rd party services. The AT+T rep says they can't do anything about it because they are required by law to be complicit in any scams and all they can do is collect their fees for the services they provide to the slammers. They don't have any way of even receiving a complaint about about "slammed services" and all I can do is report it to you.
This is just wrong.
The latest was from a company called ILD teleservices as they are billing us $49.95 via AT+T on behalf of "Advanced Bus. SVCs, L" which says it is for something called ADVANCED BUS. SVCS, LLC-EFAX SVC MTHLY. They have billed us $199.80 so far.
Looking at complaints on the internet, there are literally hundreds of people posting complaints about this. for a small sample see:
Please, this is a real productivity killer for companies.
Please make them stop.
Please give the phone company a way to let customers "opt out" of billing for slamming services. It is the right thing to do.
Thank you
Todd Johnson
Todd Johnson Productions Inc.