All that needs to be asked of anyone promoting Durante Parks' Commercial Financing Course is...
How many deals have your students done?
Ask for proof.
Ask Durante where his current properties are located.
Look...DO NOT let Durante bamboozle you with a lot of BS.
If he and his current students cannot show you absolute proof of CURRENT commercial real eastate deals that have been completed, you'll know that he's full of crap (which he is)
Do not fall for the excuse that he/they cannot show proof because it will compromise their privacy. That excuse is BS, because any real estate ownership can be reviewed in county records. Also ask what name or compeny the ownership of said commercial properties are under. If he/they won't tell you (which he/they won't) keep your money.
I worked very closely with Durante. All he wants is money. If you wind up feeling used (and that will be because you were) don't say you were not warned.
Caution -- His BS will work on you (especially if you are desperate for money or to change careers) for about a year or so until you actually wake up and see him for what he is.
Save your money.