I ordered a 14 Day free trial supply of 60 capsules, ACAI X3 on 6/5/09. I received the capsules on 6/12/09. On 6/19/09 I called to Cancel, and finally got through to their automated customer service, whcih told me I would not receive any further charges.
The product did absolutely nothing as claimed, so I opened a capsule, put it into water and it floated like Talc ! Nothing in the capsule would dissolve.
When I received my Credit card statement, I noticed two chrages fgerom Topbody Cleanse 1 800 244-2575 CY.
There was a charge on 6/5/09 for the original $2.84 for postage of the Free sample, and another charge on 6/19/ 09 for $88.87 .
I called their customer service number twice and finally got through to a person, who told me to expect a credit on my card within a few days, and to call back if it did not appear, along with an e-mail confirmation.
On 6/27/09 I called again and the customer sewrvice rep transferred me to hi supervisor, who told mje I needed to send the unused product back for a refund.
I have notified my Credit Crad company and they told me that there were MANY complaints regarding this company.