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frankdij June 27, 2011
ripoff/ scam
I was rippoff by Tim Mathews this company is a scam they ripp off money no one should buy or order any email list from them.

I ordered

1 50 million gulf region emails 50 Million Gulf Region Middle East Email Addresses - $400.00
1 100 million japanese emails 100 Million Japanese Email Addresses Email Lists - $270.00

and sent money via

send via moneygram sendres name:Frank Nwabenu last name:DIJI amount sent:699.99$ ref No:96127662 adderss:via roma aversa italy

The order i got was not even million gulf region emails or japanese and i made contact

Chat Transcript 1 Email Address Lists, LLC to me

show details Jun 3

Chat Info
Name: frank
Email: [email protected]
Product/Service: Billing/Payment Questions/Support
Operator: Howard - Marketing Specialist
Start Time: 6/2/2011 10:04:46 PM
End Time: 6/2/2011 10:24:54 PM
Chat Transcripts:Please wait for a site operator to respond...
Operator Howard - Marketing Specialist has joined the chat.
Howard - Marketing Specialist: Hi Frank!
Howard - Marketing Specialist: How can I assist you today?
frank: i i msde an order 3days ago
frank: and order i was sent was not what i ordered
Howard - Marketing Specialist: Alright, I can certainly assist you, Frank, .
Howard - Marketing Specialist: What is your order number please?
frank: EMAILLISTS-8338
frank: i sent emails and called
Howard - Marketing Specialist: Alright, Frank.
Howard - Marketing Specialist: We have been slammed this week.
Howard - Marketing Specialist: I am very sorry you have not been taken care of.
Howard - Marketing Specialist: I assure you, I am on top of this for you and I will get you taken care of immediately.
frank: how long
Howard - Marketing Specialist: I am looking into your order now and the notes,
Howard - Marketing Specialist: I will be back with you in just a moment.
frank: k
Howard - Marketing Specialist: Frank, from what I see, we have your order being repaired.
Howard - Marketing Specialist: The product development had to rebuild your list from a back up from 2 weeks ago because it was suddenly "gone".
frank: when i was not sent an email about this
Howard - Marketing Specialist: The projected time to project completion is 9 am tomorrow.
Howard - Marketing Specialist: I guarantee you will be able to download your emails after 9 am.
Howard - Marketing Specialist: If not, I will personally refund your payment.
frank: ok thanks
Howard - Marketing Specialist: For your inconvenience and issue you a very large email list.
Howard - Marketing Specialist: For free.
frank: howard
frank: i will wait till 2morrow
Howard - Marketing Specialist: We do not have issues like this often and I am sincerely sorry it is affecting you this way.
frank: thanks again for your time
frank: bye for now
Howard - Marketing Specialist: It is my pleasure.
Howard - Marketing Specialist: I will be here tomorrow at 7am and I assure you it will be fixed by 9am EST tomorroq.
frank: thanks
The transcript will be sent to "[email protected]".
The visitor has left the chat.
The chat is ended.

I never got my order not even the money back

Chat Transcript 2
Name: frank
Email: [email protected]
Product/Service: Billing/Payment Questions/Support
Operator: Steven - Email Marketing Specialist
Start Time: 6/3/2011 2:45:18 PM
End Time: 6/3/2011 6:06:27 PM
Chat Transcripts:Please wait for a site operator to respond...
Operator Steven - Email Marketing Specialist has joined the chat.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Good morning, Frank!
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: How can I assist you today?
frank: hi steven
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Hello :)
frank: i was asking about my order form tim he has been very rude to me
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Tim was rude to you? Wow! That is not like him at all!
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Was this by telephone or live chat?
frank: live chat and the phone 2
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Wow. I am very sorry to hear that. Is there something I can assist you with, or did you just want to report Tim's actions?
frank: thanks
frank: i was told yesterday that i will get my order today
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Alright. I can probably assist you with that. What is your order number please?
frank: as you can see the transcript i had with Howard
frank: lease wait for a site operator to respond... Operator Howard - Marketing Specialist has joined the chat. Howard - Marketing Specialist: Hi Frank! Howard - Marketing Specialist: How can I assist you today? frank: i i msde an order 3days ago frank: and order i was sent was not what i ordered Howard - Marketing Specialist: Alright, I can certainly assist you, Frank, . Howard - Marketing Specialist: What is your order number please? frank: EMAILLISTS-8338 frank: i sent emails and called Howard - Marketing Specialist: Alright, Frank. Howard - Marketing Specialist: We have been slammed this week. Howard - Marketing Specialist: I am very sorry you have not been taken care of. Howard - Marketing Specialist: I assure you, I am on top of this for you and I will get you taken care of immediately. frank: how long Howard - Marketing Specialist: I am looking into your order now and the notes, Howard - Marketing Specialist: I will be back with you in just a moment. frank: k Howard - Marketing Specialist: Frank, from what I see, we have your order being repaired. Howard - Marketing Specialist: The product development had to rebuild your list from a back up from 2 weeks ago because it was suddenly "gone". frank: when i was not sent an email about this Howard - Marketing Specialist: The projected time to project completion is 9 am tomorrow. Howard - Marketing Specialist: I guarantee you will be able to download your emails after 9 am. Howard - Marketing Specialist: If not, I will personally refund your payment. frank: ok thanks Howard - Marketing Specialist: For your inconvenience and issue you a very large email list. Howard - Marketing Specialist: For free. frank: howard frank: i will wait till 2morrow Howard - Marketing Specialist: We do not have issues like this often and I am sincerely sorry it is affecting you this way. frank: thanks again for your time frank: bye for now Howard - Marketing Specialist: It is my pleasure. Howard - Marketing Specialist: I will be here tomorrow at 7am and I assure you it will be fixed by 9am EST tomorroq. frank: thanks
frank: EMAILLISTS-8338
frank: Howard - Marketing Specialist: I guarantee you will be able to download your emails after 9 am. Howard - Marketing Specialist: If not, I will personally refund your payment.
frank: i just need my order so i can download it that all
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: I just pulled your order and it shows both lists have been downloaded 5 times each.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: But now the order is cancelled.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: There are notes from Tim saying you want a refund after you have downloaded your lists and we have shipped them on a DVD for you.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: I am very confused.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: :(
frank: that was not what i ordered
frank: you see
frank: i talked with Howard yesterday
frank: you saw the transcript
frank: the order was never shipped
frank: only when i ask tim for my money back he told me he shipped them when
frank: and the cancekked my account
frank: after i sent him 670us$
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Give me just a moment to look over the notes.
frank: you can see transcript from Howard yesterday
frank: Product/Service: Billing/Payment Questions/Support Operator: Howard - Marketing Specialist Start Time: 6/2/2011 10:04:46 PM End Time: 6/2/2011 10:24:54 PM Chat Transcripts:Please wait for a site operator to respond... Operator Howard - Marketing Specialist has joined the chat. Howard - Marketing Specialist: Hi Frank! Howard - Marketing Specialist: How can I assist you today? frank: i i msde an order 3days ago frank: and order i was sent was not what i ordered Howard - Marketing Specialist: Alright, I can certainly assist you, Frank, . Howard - Marketing Specialist: What is your order number please? frank: EMAILLISTS-8338 frank: i sent emails and called Howard - Marketing Specialist: Alright, Frank. Howard - Marketing Specialist: We have been slammed this week. Howard - Marketing Specialist: I am very sorry you have not been taken care of. Howard - Marketing Specialist: I assure you, I am on top of this for you and I will get you taken care of immediately. frank: how long Howard - Marketing Specialist: I am looking into your order now and the notes, Howard - Marketing Specialist: I will be back with you in just a moment. frank: k Howard - Marketing Specialist: Frank, from what I see, we have your order being repaired. Howard - Marketing Specialist: The product development had to rebuild your list from a back up from 2 weeks ago because it was suddenly "gone". frank: when i was not sent an email about this Howard - Marketing Specialist: The projected time to project completion is 9 am tomorrow. Howard - Marketing Specialist: I guarantee you will be able to download your emails after 9 am. Howard - Marketing Specialist: If not, I will personally refund your payment. frank: ok thanks Howard - Marketing Specialist: For your inconvenience and issue you a very large email list. Howard - Marketing Specialist: For free. frank: howard frank: i will wait till 2morrow Howard - Marketing Specialist: We do not have issues like this often and I am sincerely sorry it is affecting you this way. frank: thanks again for your time frank: bye for now Howard - Marketing Specialist: It is my pleasure. Howard - Marketing Specialist: I will be here tomorrow at 7am and I assure you it will be fixed by 9am EST tomorroq. frank: thanks The transcript will be sent to "[email protected]". The visitor has left the chat. The chat is ended.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: I'm reading over the transcripts now.
frank: thanks for that
frank: and this was from tim after i asked my money back
frank: frank: i have waited too long for this i need my money back Tim - Email Marketing Department: I am here. frank: it is almost 4 days now Tim - Email Marketing Department: It will take a few days for it to be shipped to you.
frank: for it to be shipped
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: I am reading the entire transcript between you and Tim now.
frank: k
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: You left out the bits where you call him a liar several times, scammer, etc.
frank: i am sorry
frank: i was mad
frank: i am sorry about that
frank: but he told me to be shipped and than it has been
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: I am working on getting you taken care of.
frank: that was why
frank: i am sorry
frank: staven
frank: thanks staven
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Steven.
frank: plz tell tim i am sorry i was mad
frank: ok steven
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Please hold for a few minutes while I work your account and order. It is difficult to keep switching back and forth. I have closed all my other chats so I can focus on you.
frank: thanks
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Alright, Frank. Are you still with me?
frank: yes steven
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Alright.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: From what I see, your DVD has been shipped to the address provided in your order. Also, we are allowing you do download the emails from the site. There was an issue with your download links, this has been addressed and there are people working on it and getting it taken care of. I would like to tell you when it will be resolved, but I can clearly see it is taking a bit longer than we hoped, but we are working on this issue for you and will have it resolved as soon as possible. We do not have issues like this, so we are not only trying to fix the problem, but also trying to discover why it happened and how to prevent it from happening to someone else in the future. I will be marking your order as paid again as soon as we finish our discussion.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Howard was optimistic when he told you it would be fixed this am. As I said, we have simple issues from time to time, and these are resolved within an hour. Nothing has caused this much of an issue for us... Ever.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: We WILL have it resolved and we WILL be providing you complimentary data to show our appreciation for your understanding and inconvenience.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: We have all satisfied customers and we will make you happy as well.
frank: like i told tim i did not ask for the list to be shipped i need a download link and how soon do you think i can get this and thanks for your time and why cant i login my account anymore?
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: You saying you did not request for the list to be shipped is not valid. We ship orders out. Plain and simple. Whether you ask us to ship or not, we still ship orders. Just as we offer downloads whether you request it or not, you will still most likely be able to download the order.
frank: when was my order shipped ? and i need the tracking number
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: We're working on the issue and will have it fixed for you to be able to download your emails.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Give me a moment to contact the shipping department.
frank: thanks
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: It is my pleasure.
frank: hi steven you still there
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Yes, I am waiting for the information from the shipping department.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: I will provide it to you as soon as it comes.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: To me.
frank: ok my boss is on me so you understand
frank: why cant i login to my account any more
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Tim cancelled your order when you said you wanted your money refunded.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: This is why you cannot login now.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: But, I plan to have this resolved so you can download your emails list.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Then everbody wins and is happy.
frank: thanks steven
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: It is my pleasure.
frank: you made me very happy
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: I will get you sorted out and your order fixed.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Alright, Frank. I have just switched your order back to paid. You will be able to log in and download the email lists again.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: I have not completed the repair yet, so please don't download yet.
frank: k
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Is the email, [email protected] a good email to reach you at?
frank: yes
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: I will email you as soon as I get the downloads fixed for you.
frank: ok
frank: thanks
frank: how soon do you think
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: I do not want to give you a time, because that seems to upset you when there is an issue and we cannot make the "deadline".
frank: ok
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: What I will do is email you as soon as I get it fixed for you and that is the best I can promise.
frank: thanks
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: I will have this fixed for you.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: I will work all weekend on it if I have to.
frank: ok
frank: thanks for your time
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: It is my pleasure, Frank.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: In the mean time, I would like to offer you some complimentary US emails.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Are you interested in these?
frank: ok
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Are you interested in these?
frank: yes
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Alright.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Are you on your own personal computer?
frank: yes
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist:
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Copy each link and paste it into a new browser window/tab.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: The 8 files will download and you will have over 500 MILLION emails.
frank: thanks very much steven and do tell tim i am sorry my boss was on me so iwas mad
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: I will, Frank.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: Tim was quite upset as well. He left for the rest of the weekend.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: He has worked very hard for a long time to make this company what it is today.
frank: ok
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: When people call him a scam, fraud or liar, it get's to him.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: It is like spitting in his face.
frank: i know
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: He is a good boss and runs the best email marketing company in the world.
Steven - Email Marketing Specialist: We will make your order right for you and you will be happy.
frank: thanks for the info
frank: bye for now
The transcript will be sent to "[email protected]".
The visitor has left the chat.
The chat is ended.

Tim the scammer Claimed he sent me a DVD that i never got when i asked for the tracking number they never got back to me till now order as never bein fixed

Tim is a scam is a scam

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