My husband and I purchase on July 28, 2006 a 62" HD DLP Projection TV. Around Sept 28 2006 there was a very loud "Humming Noise" Had placed numerous telephone calls to various authorized Toshiba Dealers and was finally able to get a repairman out to our residence on November 20,2006.
At that time the problem turned out to be a part that is referred to as "Light Engine par" It was not until January 2, 2007 that the new part was replaced. Then around January 27, 2007 I had to placed another call stating " the part that was replaced on January 2,2007 is making the same noise. A Toshiba Dealer representative from the same authorized dealer came back out on January 27, 2007 and verified that the part that had been replaced was also "Faulty" he was then going to request from the Toshiba Tech. Support Team for another part.
I received a telephone call from the dealer and was told that "Toshiba is refusing to honor a new "Engine Light" faulty part. I placed a telephone call directly to Toshiba Customer Service on January 29th and on the 31st I got a call back stating that Toshiba does not have to authorize the replacement part because we did not use an authorized sponsor dealership to buy our TV from.
I have even written Toshiba a long letter and also requested a Customer Service Manager to call me back. So Far no dice. Now I am surfing the Internet for addresses to send a letter too.