I have had nothing but trouble since I first purchased the Satellite laptop. I was told that if I purchesed the extended warranty that the only thing that was not covered was if it got stolen or if it was not retrieveable (Like if it fell down a cliff or something like that). THEN, it had a printer already installed on it hen I got it and I do not have a printer ! It also had smudges on the screen from the keyboard! Right from the box which had been retaped ! When I mentioned it to the GEEKS at Best Buy in Saginaw, Michigan, they all but laughted in my face and proceeded to take the PRINTER off my computer. Every time I take my laptop in. I get it back and it seems to have more problems than when I took it in ! The keyboard does not work all of the time ! ! ! The sound has rarely worked on my laptop ! ! ! Those are just a few of the problems that I have had with it. NOW, what can you do about it ? ? ?
What can you do to make me want to buy another Toshiba in the future ? ? ?
Frustrated in Michigan,