This credit card company is really bad. First off, my daughter was given a credit card when she was 17 and even placed her real information on this card. She turned 18 and lost the card and never made any payments. I wasn't aware this was even going on until she told me later. I told her to make a payment on the card and call and report the card missing so they could replace it for her. She did. They told her they needed a higher payment then agreed to $77 and an additional $40 to replace the card. We reported the card stolen at this point and again contacted the company and explained that we hadn't found the card and on top of this a bill had come in with charges she had not made. Again they asked for $40 to replace the card and full payment for the amount that had been charged despite the fact we now had a police report.
After that my daughter moved out. She is now 20 and on her own with her own children. I have changed my number from a landline to cable and I started once again getting calls from Total Visa again. I get on average 6-10 calls a day from two different numbers. I explained to them she no longer lived with me. They asked when she moved out? Where does she live now? Why isn't she paying us? I never said I was even her mother, for all they knew they had the wrong number. Did I mentioned they also called on Christmas Eve? I told them Look shes a grown woman and doesn't live with me and it is Christmas Eve and I have asked you to stop calling. They said they wouldn't stop calling my home even though they had on record I had asked. I hung up on them.
Bottom line they have high interest rates, they don't do anything if your card is stolen, and they call call call even if they have the wrong number, even on Christmas Eve. Stay away from them.