& associates, over 120 sites linked to this fraudulent pharmacy ring. I was billed by BESTMEDSSTORE.COM, also and it ends up to be I have found over 30 other people who have experienced this same thing. I know there are thousands of people being tricked by these sites. The medication received is documented to be chalk, cement and colored to look like the real medication. When charged with proof given they deny it .
When confronted they pass the blame to the supplier. When meds are returned they accept no returns. They claim to be FDA approved. Dubal, India known to supply many online pharmacies has found a way to stamp out meds to look just like real.
They are made from cement, chalk, and an ingredient in antifreeze. These fakes are colored and even stamped to look like they are made by the drug manufacturer AMIDE. The companies such as know this and sell them and then deny that they are fake even when it is sent to them to examine.
Many of these companies support and are a part of the production of these fake meds. IT MUST BE STOPPED. FDA approved cannot mean made out of chalk, cement, and toxic substances and then lie to the people and tell them they are real.
FDA APPROVED and yet supplied by FAKE DRUG SUPPLIERS. These companies claim both. NOT POSSIBLE!