After getting a flat in my 2009 Mazda 5 I went to have it replaced with the original Toyo tires the vehicle came with. There were only 14, 000 miles on the car. Imagine my surprise when Town Fair Tire told me not only would I need to replace the flat but also all the other tires as they were already worn down to unsafe levels!
I will be the first to admit I had not yet rotated my tires, however, after 14, 000 miles they would have only been rotated at most one time...would that REALLY have lessened the damage???
I contacted my dealer, who told me to contact Mazda, who told me to contact Toyo. Toyo was MOST unhelpful...did not even take a name. They basically told me it was my fault the tires had worn prematurely. My only recourse was to inform them I would NEVER buy Toyo again and post this to the web.