I have had my cell phone service through your company for a number of years and have always been pleased with my service. But now, I am looking for a new cell phone provider.
I was looking through the graphics that are available to the Tracfone customers and was highly offended and horrified to find a graphic of an African American baby sucking on a bottle while shooting a automatic gun.
I, as an African American, so offended by this graphic, it sickens me!
Our babies are dying in the streets EVERY DAY, not only African Americans, but babies of every race and you as a company find it prosperous to promote your company on the unmeasureable sorrow and pain of mother's and father's who have lost a child to guns. But not only do you show that you are OK with our children having guns (and find it funny and cute) but you are signalling out African Americans to attribute these crimes to. Do you not know, or care, that we are trying hard to fight the stigmatism that society sees most, if not all, African Americans are gun toters. And now you are putting the guns in the hands of our babies...HOW DARE YOU!!! YOU AS A COMPANY SHOULD BE ASHAMED!!! Do you care about the impact that you have on society with these graphics? Do you care? Or is the most important influence on you the amount of money you can make on being short sighted?!
I have two granddaughters and everyday I worry for their safety. It's a shame that your company is telling all children it is OK to pick up a gun because it is cute and funny.
I am highly disgusted and offended by your company. You have portrayed African Americans as being a negative influence on society and everyone should beware of not only the adults but of their children/babies too.
Sharon, PA