Fraudulent Items sold by TradeTang lets their sellers knowingly sell fake, defective and completely useless products. This is happening with 3 different sellers on their website. Which makes 3 out of 3 selling fake & faulty items.
The flash drives look fine from the outside, but they do not work, copied files get corrupted, computer freezes, they can not be formatted, bad sectors, no ReadyBoost as descripted they to slow for that, description states 64GB capacity, it does not have that capacity, the flash drive chip was hacked to state a wrong capacity. I have sent the sellers test results, test results show that the drives are bad. Flash Drive chip is a Hitachi HN29V512115T-50 which only holds of up to 64MB. Same thing is happening with 128GB Kingston Flash Drives and SONY 32GB Micro Vault.
I have disputed the items with them, and I get nothing back aside a sorry from TradeTang, but nothing has or is being done to resolve the problem of me having over $1000 worth of useless pieces of plastic with hacked chips in them that don't work.
So if you are looking to buy something from their website, BEWARE as you will get nothing near to what you think you may be buying.