Home Wealth Solutions, aka. TradingFromHome.com, aka. Homecashcourse.com
is a scam to sell on promise and guarantee, but never supply a refund on request.
My Personal Experience
I purchased and followed TradingFromHome.com instructions perfectly. Even used their robotic support to answer questions where the instructions were crap and misleading.
Scam - FRED Robot Scam
Yes, it's definitely a scam. The program does try to automatically trade, but it's like a roller coaster, after the 60 days testing, it ended up as a big loss.
60 Day money back
Bull crap... after requesting money back, supplying proof that there was no profit in my tests, they HAVE NOT RETURNED TO ME. Robot support says "we have forwarded your request", but does not give a hint to who they are and how I may contact them. SCAM yes it's a SCAM.
Why is TradingFromHome a SCAM... because, they spent 99% of resources on the Sales page and marketing, and 1% on the product. Absolute piece of JUNK, TradingFromHome is a SCAM.
Massive glitch in the TradingFromHome SCAM!
is this... You can request a "mentor"... a person will call you to ask if you want to make money in Forex... well, the "glitch" is that this stupid FRED robot scam should be making you heaps of money anyway. Why on earth would you need a mentor? Well, this person has all the robotic answers for you and tries as hard as possible to get another sale on that day, we can just call them Robotic Scam Artists.
Conclusion is, TradingFromHome is a SCAM.
I hope this saves people the troubles that I'm still experiencing.
Chris D
Melbourne, Australia.