After having spent 4 months playing this game, building my capital city. I got destroyed in a few days. 24/7 multiply attacks by players with super armies and bad attitudes. What took me 4 months to build was destroyed in 2 days.
They farmed me, using a "travian farm bot". This is a program that runs in the background and manages your Travian browser game. They just set the bot to build-up their infrastructure and attack other players when their forces reach a certain level. They then have multiply attack launched on a victim from: multiply cities, accounts and other trusted friends. This works out to receiving 1000's of troops/hour in an attacks 24/7.
I tried talking with: the aggressors, the guild owner and the game owners. I got no sympathy, but only inappropriate disrespectful responses. And yet the owner's didn't think it was a problem. Then they banned me for posted this in their forum. Apparently, they feel pretty smug hiding from behind their computers (in their parent's basement).
It seems they support cheating and unfair game play. Come to Travian to be destroyed by well established bullies. You won't be allowed to enjoy this game because the friends of the owners are the only ones enjoying themselves at your expense.
As a response to this. I deleted my account. I would rather end my game then feed their war-machine. This takes 72 hours. 72 Hours in-which the attacker dog-piled onto my capital city. Like hyenas and vultures tearing apart a carcass.
If you going to make an on-line browser game, at least make it fair and enjoyable for everyone. Travian is a failure. And what's more, the owner refuse to fix the problem and resolve this problem by silencing the victims.
You can help by spreading the news. Click on my blog link, redistribute it.