This year we had twelve bills that came before the legislature and 12 hours of testimony. Most of the testimony was personal stories about the bias and builder owned and operated agency, called the TRCC. Even those in the Attorney General's office call it by it's real name, "tricky". The head of the legislative affairs committee Rep Swinford, became incensed and angry at the mere mention of the investigation that was done on the TRCC by Comptroller Carol Strayhorn. Swinford said that she had no right to investigate the TRCC. He did not want the truth or the proven statistics... that were even admitted on TV by Duane Waddell the Deputy Director of the TRCC. The truth was not at issue in these proceedings. Only the protection of the builder owned agency and greedy builders. Now that the TRCC has proved so profitable for the state, it will forever be embraced. There were other bills with substance and meaning to homeowners and consumers that would have offer real protection. They were rejected. Representative Senfronia Thompson fought valiantly to get consumers as much protection as they had for their cars or at least their toasters. The legislators and the Senators when it reached the house showed how much they are concerned about the people who elected them. Senator Harris was dismissive rude and bored by the testimony of the tearful wife of a disabled veteran who had nearly given his life for his county. For two years, this veteran and his wife had been forced to live in deplorable conditions in their new home. His advise, to get a lawyer. When she tried to explain lawyers do not want to represent homeowners because they already know the outcome...The kind senator repeated himself, get a lawyer. The despicable representative of the people, then added in his slow Texas drawl, almost with a yawn, that it was getting late and all other comments were limited to 3 minutes. Representative Allan Ritter commented, that he can't imagine anybody that's defrauding, misappropriating funds, that's going to want to take court action to prove he didn't do it. Does the representative not even know what goes on in the building next door? The case of Bob Perry, of Perry Homes vs Cull is in the Supreme Court of Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Cull have been tied up in court and won all the way to the Texas Supreme Court for TEN years. Builders seem to find a way to court, while the homes they have dumped on good people go into foreclosure. Blame the foreclosure rates on sub-primes all you want, but those of us, who did not have sub-primes and are homeless, know the truth. This bill has so much spin we will be suffering vertigo until the 81st session. Really see how and who operates the TRCC. Google my name or go to Jordan Fogal
My builders were :
Thomas Thibodeau
Jorge Casimiro
and Armad Al Banana using the company name at that time of Tremont Homes and Stature Construction Company