Sick animals, corrupt management, casually racist and discriminatory against customers and employees, nice paint job though, TERRIBLE deceitful inhumane absolutely criminal stuff going on behind the scenes DAILY.
Jeannette Christos, the self-proclaimed "CEO" of this dog dump, should be fired immediately and put in PRISON, for animal cruelty in many forms, the misappropriation of funds and many generous donations, client fraud, and employee abuse.
"VET" Trailer completely inappropriate and disease ridden, procedures performed by “techs”, not vets, unsafe contaminated grounds for animals and humans that walk all around this toxic time bomb...but that flower bed over there sure is pretty...Clients are routinely lied to by the Tri County office management about an adoptable animal’s original and present health, disposition, and prior documented problems.
Oh, but you heard it’s a 100% no kill shelter, their big claim …lies lies lies …They kill and dispose of many right there, there is a crematory oven on site, no real records kept of how many thousand have been killed, of course… Jeannette Christos will deny deny until she’s blue in the face, LIAR! She ok'd EVERY one.
Several hundred DOCUMENTED allegations of abuse and $$$$ misappropriations, coming from respected and established members of Boca Society (major donators whose donations were "redirected"), to many disgruntled employees and dissatisfied clients stuck intentionally with problem pets.
Mayor Steve Abrams and The Boca Raton City Council, by pompously and ignorantly looking away (at a 2006 hearing, they actually looked amused at times), is helping to cover up the whole damned mess. How DARE they ignore such a volume of individually documented complaints? The “report” that was requested was a joke, a slap in the face of folks who REALLY care.
How DARE they.
Thanks, Boca Raton City Council members. Thanks a lot Mayor Steve Abrams. Look forward to our votes.
And we're ALL 100% wrong, according to Jeanette Christos.
She should be in PRISON