Legacy Interactive Games uses TrialPay, to handle their billing for their merchandise, which is mainly downloaded games.
What happens when you order something with your credit card, and click on SUBMIT, It looks like it doesn't go Thu, and a sentence in RED comes up to check over your transaction, so you check it out, then click again, and the same thing comes up again. At the same time they are billing your credit card every time you hit the SUBMIT button.
What TrialPay does mainly is if you buy or try a certain product like Netflix movies, they will give you a discount on the product, if you try it for a certain length of time, after this dealing with them, I wouldn't trust this company as far as you could throw them!
What happens once one company tries a SCAM, then others will follow! Just like what Happen on Wall Street. You can now file a Complaint with the FBI, if you feel you been SCAMED, which I intend to do. FBI now handles Internet Scams.
I have contacted this company by e-mail 5 different times but no answer. I can't find a phone number for customer service.
This is the last E-mail I sent to their Customer Service:
There are three things in Marketing
QUALITY SERVICE AND PRICE! YOU HAVE FAILED IN ALL THREE, Your president and CEO talks about scams, well he should look at his own company. I tried to order from Legacy Games, Emergency room CODE Blue, last Saturday, and you took my money double and even tried to triple charge me for the game. However the third charge was blocked. Your billing seem to me to be a FRAUD, as it shows that it doesn't go thru and then you try again, and again, at the same time you are billing my credit card 3 differet times for the same game. I want all the money you took from me back, or I am going to file information against your operation. $39.90 I belong to Facebook & Twitter, and certainly let then know of your method of operation. This is the forth time I have e-mailed you and have no answer except a automatic reply, and you seem to have no phone number for customer service.