Expedia owns Tripadvisor.
Tripadvisor it's an ILLEGITIMATE web-site already reported to the court in EUROPE ( waiting for the judgement on next 2011 ).
USA, after 11th Setmber 2001 has paid great attention to terrorism and ANONIMOUS behaviours.
It's unbelivable that nobody in the USA has already reported Tripadvisor as an ILLEGAL EDITOR which protect anonimous reviwers who most of the time, being protected by this unlowful system, they produce libellious contents.
It's unbelivable that the AMERICAN JURIDICAL system is NOT protecting turism enterprises from this UNFAIR competition system created, owned and managed by EXPEDIA!
Expedia-Tripadvisor don't reveal the true identity of the writer, if they are asked, in ored to protect the on-line reputation.
REVIEWS are a good value to protect travelers from being cheated and to promote the hotels and B&B which DESERVE, but...ONLY WHEN TRUE, RELIABLE, linked to a real traveller and to a real paid booking, and generated by someone who is responsible for what it's written in the review!
EXPEDIA-TRIPADVISOR are abusing the real value of the reviews and are damaging the free and fair market.
Expedia-Tripadvisor demand over 30% of the value of the booking generated by the system...this is MAFIA!
When the AMERICAN ISTITUTIONS will analize and act against EXPEDIA?
Alla Dolce Vita