March 23, 2009
Unauthorized charges
I am in the military and they constantly get on us about having good credit and being careful with our money so I took a class offered and was told to go to complaintsboard.com to get a free look once a year, so I did and ever since I have been being charged $14.95 by CIC*TRIPLE ADVANTAGE in California even though I have no access to their services and have never HAD access to any of their services. I went back on to the site to cancel my 'free' account and could find no way to do it. There isn't even any way to cancel my creditcard number.
janice perkins
February 6, 2009
not free report
i went online to get my FREE credit report around the end of january. i now notice that i have a charge on my visa for 14.95. i never authorized this. they get you because you have to put in your credit card number "just in case". i want my 14.95 BACK. it is not FREE if it costs money.72546
Jackie Nitowitz
January 24, 2009
free credit report
Hi my name is Jackie Nitowitz and in August 2008 I received an email about getting a copy of a free credit report. What I didn't realize at the time was that I was subscribing to triple advantage credit reporting which I never wanted. Since then I have been billed by triple advantage for a subscription that I did not want. they charge me 29.95 and 14.95 for a subscription.
thanks Jackie
Triple Advantage-Free Credit Report
January 3, 2009
Free Credit-I was charged after I canceled
I canceled the "free credit" as soon as I saw my score. Still, I was charged on December 28, 2008, after I canceled.
December 21, 2008
charge my credit card
unauthorized charges to my credit card
December 15, 2008
Charge for FREE report
The company offered credit reports from the three companies with scores, FREE . No where on the site did I find any contract for continuing service for $14.95 a month, but I was so billed on my credit card.
This seems to me outright fraud. The credit reports were billed to me for $29.95, then an additional charge, monthly for $14.95
Watch OUT. Notify your bank, and the State Attorney General, Fraud Dept
Marie Russ
December 6, 2008
credit report 30 day limit, canceled
I took the 30 mday trial for my three credit reports and then canceled within the thirty day limit. I still was charged $14.95 for the TRIPLE ADVANTAGE PROGRAM which I DO NOT WANT.
November 1, 2008
never asked for triple advantage refund my money from checking acct, how dare u
took out money from acct
October 15, 2008
unauthorized charges
Charges in the amount of $14.95 has been charged to my account without my permission & for an unknown service.
I want to have these charges removed and stopped from
showing on my credit card.
October 8, 2008
Bad service
I followed an online link for a "free credit report" on 9/6/08. I was advised that a credit card number was required, but would not be charged. Apparently deep in the verbiage, I was joining a service and would be charged a 14.95 fee every 30 days. I do not feel the website made an effort to make this fee known to the consumer seeking the advertized "Free Credit Report".