Triumph Recovery and Church By Robert Flores
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Category: Society & Culture
Contact Information 519 N. Military 38464, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, United States
Phone number: 931-244-6514
Triumph Recovery and Church By Robert Flores Reviews
June 11, 2010
Another scam by robert Flores Not a Triumph
New name, it scams.
I want to thank all of you for supporting me and being there during the rough times. I was in the hospital as some of you knew and thank you for all of the get well cards and support. Apparently while I was in the hospital I received new information from you all about Robert Flores and his newest scams. I was receiving messages from the screen name tracker20 he claimed to be a boyfriend of some women that was in Robert’s rehab program and asked me for help. I knew it was Robert and went along with it a bit, and then just got fed up. Well tracker20 is someone hired by Robert to track my email, which is [email protected] for reasons unknown. I believe it is because Robert knows the truth is coming to light and it is making him nervous. Even if he found out where I lived and anything else about me, it would not affect me in any way I am doing nothing that is illegal if anyone is breaking the law its Mr. Flores. I am exercising my freedom of speech, I have not threatened Mr. Flores all I am trying to accomplish is getting people to see the real Robert Flores, that my friend is not illegal. This may be why he changed the names of his programs so we must be doing something right his false teen challenge site was shut down after I spoke with the real teen challenge who then contacted Mr. Flores and well end result the site was shut down. This was a positive but my supporters and followers have recently informed me that Robert is running the same scams just under new names. Tracker20 who Robert or one of his sheep were posing as claimed Robert opened a women’s’ rehab which I did not believe but I have been informed he has. Robert also began a new church I am unsure if it is his church or if he is just a pastor. The site says that it was created by Robert Flores so he created the site and his picture is included on the site as well. Robert has opened a women’s’ center in Lawrenceburg while his men’s’ center apparently remains in Columbia. I have gotten messages asking how he is doing all of this and why he is not caught. Well everyone I am sorry to say that it takes time for bad people to get caught like in my example of Robert and Tammy Fay Baker they had a huge following and traveled all over the world making millions and they did it for a while. It took much time but eventually they were caught. I request all of you to watch American Greed it is a television program about people that run scams and some of them are religious scams like Robert’s. In the con world Robert is small time believe it or not, seeing that he does not own anything and has to rent goes to show how small time he really is. The fact that he moves around in the same area as much he has shows his criminal ways but what he does is rents building or talks people into putting things in their names so there is no connection to him. Robert is not really stupid he is smart when it comes to being a criminal but very dumb when it comes to academics and business sense. He has no idea what he is doing and it really shows. What he does to make himself look or seem intelligent is that Robert surrounds himself with people that are not that educated like his wife. She may be nice or seem nice but lets face it she is not the brightest crayon in the box. When Robert encounters someone that does have intelligence he shuts down it is one of his weaknesses. If you go around calling yourself a doctor you better be able to back it up and show your doctor status. To someone that never graduated from high school Robert may seem smart to him or her but someone that has some education can see right through him. People like me and my followers who have seen all the evidence and helped me with the research on Mr. Flores can all see and realize Robert is really full of it. In the beginning it makes you laugh to see someone so stupid con so many people. But in all it is a sad situation especially for me and others that have lost family members to addiction. Many of you know my story that I lost my one and only child to addiction my son was a drug user and I did not see the signs. Since then I try my best to help families that have been victims of addiction. That is how I came in contact with Mr. Flores I was looking for a small rehab that was faith based and that was in need of funds to do God’s work. Well I accidentally contacted the wrong Teen Challenge looking for Mr. Flores and they told me there was no teen challenges in Columbia Tennessee nor was there a program leader named Robert Flores. I told them about his website and that is when I realized I have been conned. The research on Mr. Flores then began and that is how I found out that he is a liar and that he is just using others weaknesses for his benefit. I posted questions about Mr. Flores to some of the names that came up during my search some replied back to me and some did not. I heard very few positives on Mr. Flores and was taken back by what kind of person he really is. He tells people that know him “I can con anyone and I’m good at being a con”. Which is partly true. There are many that have caught onto him and know who he really is. One person that knows him was one of his children, which I met through a social networking site. I promised them I would not reveal their identity so I will respect their request. It was heartbreaking what they had to say. They said to Robert and people that know him his real children don’t exists they said he has a new family now and he will not claim them. They said he would not even be paying his child support if it weren’t for the fact that he was arrested about four years ago and put in jail for failure to pay his child support. This was all after Robert claimed to be living a clean sober Godly life, so that goes to show he is a liar. They said if Robert did not go to jail he would not be paying his child support. Even though he is paying the support he won’t see his children they said they rarely see him and that he does not call and that they needed him during their teen years. Children need their fathers and the fact that Robert stands in front of the congregation and preaches about living a pure Godly life all while he is not. I am sorry to say that fatherhood is more that writing a check and even if your wife doesn’t want you to see your children you need to do what is right. Children don’t ask to be born they don’t have the same choice you had of whether or not to make a child. If that is not bad enough he apparently adopted a child about five years ago, and treats her great and is a father to her. His child then said that I see Robert with his family in their nice houses and having nice things while going on many family vacations, and ask myself why am I not good enough to have that life too. That is heartbreaking he claims to be this great person when actually he is a coward that can’t take care of his own children.
That is how I found out about Robert Flores so tracker20 bring it on come find me I have not done nothing wrong. It seems like Robert is desperate to stop me telling the truth but I won’t be stopped until Robert tells the truth. He can be forgiven and live the way he claims he is living, but it will never happen unless he tells the truth. Back to his newest scams. I am posting all links to his new sites as well as contact information for anyone that wishes to contact Mr. Flores. I am hoping that Clark Kent will give me more information. He wants to but he says he is scared of Robert. Apparently Robert uses the men from his rehab to not only do work for him while Robert collects their pay, but will also use them as intimidations he will send them to threaten people. Clark seems to be a good 25 year old that just got caught up with the wrong person while trying to accomplish his dreams. I appreciate everyone who has helped me I know my son is looking down on me from heaven with a smile on his face. He knows his dad is someone with determination and will do what he has to. I care that is why I am telling the truth about Robert I am not getting anything from doing this, I am not benefiting or getting paid. Robert has not done anything personally to me so I am not getting revenge I just want the truth about him out there whether or not others want to believe it, at least I did what I could.
Here is the newest information on Robert Flores.
I did say I was done with Robert but that was before he hired someone to track me and before I spoke to one of his children. I am the voice of that child that Robert has hurt and continues to hurt.
Website and contact information of his church Triumph church
825 9th Street
Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
Phone: (931) 244-6514
Fax: (931) 244-6554
Website: [email protected]
The picture of him in the hat is from the site above, this is according to a person that knows him, Robert Flores. They sent the pic to me but I was having trouble opening it so they said I could go to the above site and get it there.
Robert’s new women’s’ rehab center Triumph Recovery Center contact information and website
The picture of the house with the red car in the vehicle I assume is the center.
519 N. Military
Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
Phone: (931) 244-6514
Email: [email protected]
This last site was also on the women’s’ rehab site that apparently is in California. How I have no idea. It is supposedly a faith base organization called life challenge, which Robert claims to have changed his program name from teen challenge to life challenge, which is also the name on his My Space page. Robert Flores designed the site so it has to be linked to him. It seems to be some school but I am unsure why it is located in California. I know he has or had a men’s’ rehab in Columbia called team challenge which was also a school and rehab. It just shows all of his inconsistencies, which also mean lies.
Here is the welcome statement:
Our parish site exists to meet the needs of its members, and to help those members in times of hardship. We worship together as a community of believers. We support one another’s values and beliefs. We nurture the faith of our members in a variety of ways, including adult education programs, a parish grammar school, and guided education for school students.
Contact us:
3375 Edison Way
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (415) 555-5555
Fax: (415) 555-5515
June 11, 2010
Another scam by robert Flores Not a Triumph
New name, it scams.
I want to thank all of you for supporting me and being there during the rough times. I was in the hospital as some of you knew and thank you for all of the get well cards and support. Apparently while I was in the hospital I received new information from you all about Robert Flores and his newest scams. I was receiving messages from the screen name tracker20 he claimed to be a boyfriend of some women that was in Robert’s rehab program and asked me for help. I knew it was Robert and went along with it a bit, and then just got fed up. Well tracker20 is someone hired by Robert to track my email, which is [email protected] for reasons unknown. I believe it is because Robert knows the truth is coming to light and it is making him nervous. Even if he found out where I lived and anything else about me, it would not affect me in any way I am doing nothing that is illegal if anyone is breaking the law its Mr. Flores. I am exercising my freedom of speech, I have not threatened Mr. Flores all I am trying to accomplish is getting people to see the real Robert Flores, that my friend is not illegal. This may be why he changed the names of his programs so we must be doing something right his false teen challenge site was shut down after I spoke with the real teen challenge who then contacted Mr. Flores and well end result the site was shut down. This was a positive but my supporters and followers have recently informed me that Robert is running the same scams just under new names. Tracker20 who Robert or one of his sheep were posing as claimed Robert opened a women’s’ rehab which I did not believe but I have been informed he has. Robert also began a new church I am unsure if it is his church or if he is just a pastor. The site says that it was created by Robert Flores so he created the site and his picture is included on the site as well. Robert has opened a women’s’ center in Lawrenceburg while his men’s’ center apparently remains in Columbia. I have gotten messages asking how he is doing all of this and why he is not caught. Well everyone I am sorry to say that it takes time for bad people to get caught like in my example of Robert and Tammy Fay Baker they had a huge following and traveled all over the world making millions and they did it for a while. It took much time but eventually they were caught. I request all of you to watch American Greed it is a television program about people that run scams and some of them are religious scams like Robert’s. In the con world Robert is small time believe it or not, seeing that he does not own anything and has to rent goes to show how small time he really is. The fact that he moves around in the same area as much he has shows his criminal ways but what he does is rents building or talks people into putting things in their names so there is no connection to him. Robert is not really stupid he is smart when it comes to being a criminal but very dumb when it comes to academics and business sense. He has no idea what he is doing and it really shows. What he does to make himself look or seem intelligent is that Robert surrounds himself with people that are not that educated like his wife. She may be nice or seem nice but lets face it she is not the brightest crayon in the box. When Robert encounters someone that does have intelligence he shuts down it is one of his weaknesses. If you go around calling yourself a doctor you better be able to back it up and show your doctor status. To someone that never graduated from high school Robert may seem smart to him or her but someone that has some education can see right through him. People like me and my followers who have seen all the evidence and helped me with the research on Mr. Flores can all see and realize Robert is really full of it. In the beginning it makes you laugh to see someone so stupid con so many people. But in all it is a sad situation especially for me and others that have lost family members to addiction. Many of you know my story that I lost my one and only child to addiction my son was a drug user and I did not see the signs. Since then I try my best to help families that have been victims of addiction. That is how I came in contact with Mr. Flores I was looking for a small rehab that was faith based and that was in need of funds to do God’s work. Well I accidentally contacted the wrong Teen Challenge looking for Mr. Flores and they told me there was no teen challenges in Columbia Tennessee nor was there a program leader named Robert Flores. I told them about his website and that is when I realized I have been conned. The research on Mr. Flores then began and that is how I found out that he is a liar and that he is just using others weaknesses for his benefit. I posted questions about Mr. Flores to some of the names that came up during my search some replied back to me and some did not. I heard very few positives on Mr. Flores and was taken back by what kind of person he really is. He tells people that know him “I can con anyone and I’m good at being a con”. Which is partly true. There are many that have caught onto him and know who he really is. One person that knows him was one of his children, which I met through a social networking site. I promised them I would not reveal their identity so I will respect their request. It was heartbreaking what they had to say. They said to Robert and people that know him his real children don’t exists they said he has a new family now and he will not claim them. They said he would not even be paying his child support if it weren’t for the fact that he was arrested about four years ago and put in jail for failure to pay his child support. This was all after Robert claimed to be living a clean sober Godly life, so that goes to show he is a liar. They said if Robert did not go to jail he would not be paying his child support. Even though he is paying the support he won’t see his children they said they rarely see him and that he does not call and that they needed him during their teen years. Children need their fathers and the fact that Robert stands in front of the congregation and preaches about living a pure Godly life all while he is not. I am sorry to say that fatherhood is more that writing a check and even if your wife doesn’t want you to see your children you need to do what is right. Children don’t ask to be born they don’t have the same choice you had of whether or not to make a child. If that is not bad enough he apparently adopted a child about five years ago, and treats her great and is a father to her. His child then said that I see Robert with his family in their nice houses and having nice things while going on many family vacations, and ask myself why am I not good enough to have that life too. That is heartbreaking he claims to be this great person when actually he is a coward that can’t take care of his own children.
That is how I found out about Robert Flores so tracker20 bring it on come find me I have not done nothing wrong. It seems like Robert is desperate to stop me telling the truth but I won’t be stopped until Robert tells the truth. He can be forgiven and live the way he claims he is living, but it will never happen unless he tells the truth. Back to his newest scams. I am posting all links to his new sites as well as contact information for anyone that wishes to contact Mr. Flores. I am hoping that Clark Kent will give me more information. He wants to but he says he is scared of Robert. Apparently Robert uses the men from his rehab to not only do work for him while Robert collects their pay, but will also use them as intimidations he will send them to threaten people. Clark seems to be a good 25 year old that just got caught up with the wrong person while trying to accomplish his dreams. I appreciate everyone who has helped me I know my son is looking down on me from heaven with a smile on his face. He knows his dad is someone with determination and will do what he has to. I care that is why I am telling the truth about Robert I am not getting anything from doing this, I am not benefiting or getting paid. Robert has not done anything personally to me so I am not getting revenge I just want the truth about him out there whether or not others want to believe it, at least I did what I could.
Here is the newest information on Robert Flores.
I did say I was done with Robert but that was before he hired someone to track me and before I spoke to one of his children. I am the voice of that child that Robert has hurt and continues to hurt.
Website and contact information of his church Triumph church
825 9th Street
Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
Phone: (931) 244-6514
Fax: (931) 244-6554
Website: [email protected]
The picture of him in the hat is from the site above, this is according to a person that knows him, Robert Flores. They sent the pic to me but I was having trouble opening it so they said I could go to the above site and get it there.
Robert’s new women’s’ rehab center Triumph Recovery Center contact information and website
The picture of the house with the red car in the vehicle I assume is the center.
519 N. Military
Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
Phone: (931) 244-6514
Email: [email protected]
This last site was also on the women’s’ rehab site that apparently is in California. How I have no idea. It is supposedly a faith base organization called life challenge, which Robert claims to have changed his program name from teen challenge to life challenge, which is also the name on his My Space page. Robert Flores designed the site so it has to be linked to him. It seems to be some school but I am unsure why it is located in California. I know he has or had a men’s’ rehab in Columbia called team challenge which was also a school and rehab. It just shows all of his inconsistencies, which also mean lies.
Here is the welcome statement:
Our parish site exists to meet the needs of its members, and to help those members in times of hardship. We worship together as a community of believers. We support one another’s values and beliefs. We nurture the faith of our members in a variety of ways, including adult education programs, a parish grammar school, and guided education for school students.
Contact us:
3375 Edison Way
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (415) 555-5555
Fax: (415) 555-5515
June 11, 2010
Another scam by robert Flores Not a Triumph
New name, it scams.
I want to thank all of you for supporting me and being there during the rough times. I was in the hospital as some of you knew and thank you for all of the get well cards and support. Apparently while I was in the hospital I received new information from you all about Robert Flores and his newest scams. I was receiving messages from the screen name tracker20 he claimed to be a boyfriend of some women that was in Robert’s rehab program and asked me for help. I knew it was Robert and went along with it a bit, and then just got fed up. Well tracker20 is someone hired by Robert to track my email, which is [email protected] for reasons unknown. I believe it is because Robert knows the truth is coming to light and it is making him nervous. Even if he found out where I lived and anything else about me, it would not affect me in any way I am doing nothing that is illegal if anyone is breaking the law its Mr. Flores. I am exercising my freedom of speech, I have not threatened Mr. Flores all I am trying to accomplish is getting people to see the real Robert Flores, that my friend is not illegal. This may be why he changed the names of his programs so we must be doing something right his false teen challenge site was shut down after I spoke with the real teen challenge who then contacted Mr. Flores and well end result the site was shut down. This was a positive but my supporters and followers have recently informed me that Robert is running the same scams just under new names. Tracker20 who Robert or one of his sheep were posing as claimed Robert opened a women’s’ rehab which I did not believe but I have been informed he has. Robert also began a new church I am unsure if it is his church or if he is just a pastor. The site says that it was created by Robert Flores so he created the site and his picture is included on the site as well. Robert has opened a women’s’ center in Lawrenceburg while his men’s’ center apparently remains in Columbia. I have gotten messages asking how he is doing all of this and why he is not caught. Well everyone I am sorry to say that it takes time for bad people to get caught like in my example of Robert and Tammy Fay Baker they had a huge following and traveled all over the world making millions and they did it for a while. It took much time but eventually they were caught. I request all of you to watch American Greed it is a television program about people that run scams and some of them are religious scams like Robert’s. In the con world Robert is small time believe it or not, seeing that he does not own anything and has to rent goes to show how small time he really is. The fact that he moves around in the same area as much he has shows his criminal ways but what he does is rents building or talks people into putting things in their names so there is no connection to him. Robert is not really stupid he is smart when it comes to being a criminal but very dumb when it comes to academics and business sense. He has no idea what he is doing and it really shows. What he does to make himself look or seem intelligent is that Robert surrounds himself with people that are not that educated like his wife. She may be nice or seem nice but lets face it she is not the brightest crayon in the box. When Robert encounters someone that does have intelligence he shuts down it is one of his weaknesses. If you go around calling yourself a doctor you better be able to back it up and show your doctor status. To someone that never graduated from high school Robert may seem smart to him or her but someone that has some education can see right through him. People like me and my followers who have seen all the evidence and helped me with the research on Mr. Flores can all see and realize Robert is really full of it. In the beginning it makes you laugh to see someone so stupid con so many people. But in all it is a sad situation especially for me and others that have lost family members to addiction. Many of you know my story that I lost my one and only child to addiction my son was a drug user and I did not see the signs. Since then I try my best to help families that have been victims of addiction. That is how I came in contact with Mr. Flores I was looking for a small rehab that was faith based and that was in need of funds to do God’s work. Well I accidentally contacted the wrong Teen Challenge looking for Mr. Flores and they told me there was no teen challenges in Columbia Tennessee nor was there a program leader named Robert Flores. I told them about his website and that is when I realized I have been conned. The research on Mr. Flores then began and that is how I found out that he is a liar and that he is just using others weaknesses for his benefit. I posted questions about Mr. Flores to some of the names that came up during my search some replied back to me and some did not. I heard very few positives on Mr. Flores and was taken back by what kind of person he really is. He tells people that know him “I can con anyone and I’m good at being a con”. Which is partly true. There are many that have caught onto him and know who he really is. One person that knows him was one of his children, which I met through a social networking site. I promised them I would not reveal their identity so I will respect their request. It was heartbreaking what they had to say. They said to Robert and people that know him his real children don’t exists they said he has a new family now and he will not claim them. They said he would not even be paying his child support if it weren’t for the fact that he was arrested about four years ago and put in jail for failure to pay his child support. This was all after Robert claimed to be living a clean sober Godly life, so that goes to show he is a liar. They said if Robert did not go to jail he would not be paying his child support. Even though he is paying the support he won’t see his children they said they rarely see him and that he does not call and that they needed him during their teen years. Children need their fathers and the fact that Robert stands in front of the congregation and preaches about living a pure Godly life all while he is not. I am sorry to say that fatherhood is more that writing a check and even if your wife doesn’t want you to see your children you need to do what is right. Children don’t ask to be born they don’t have the same choice you had of whether or not to make a child. If that is not bad enough he apparently adopted a child about five years ago, and treats her great and is a father to her. His child then said that I see Robert with his family in their nice houses and having nice things while going on many family vacations, and ask myself why am I not good enough to have that life too. That is heartbreaking he claims to be this great person when actually he is a coward that can’t take care of his own children.
That is how I found out about Robert Flores so tracker20 bring it on come find me I have not done nothing wrong. It seems like Robert is desperate to stop me telling the truth but I won’t be stopped until Robert tells the truth. He can be forgiven and live the way he claims he is living, but it will never happen unless he tells the truth. Back to his newest scams. I am posting all links to his new sites as well as contact information for anyone that wishes to contact Mr. Flores. I am hoping that Clark Kent will give me more information. He wants to but he says he is scared of Robert. Apparently Robert uses the men from his rehab to not only do work for him while Robert collects their pay, but will also use them as intimidations he will send them to threaten people. Clark seems to be a good 25 year old that just got caught up with the wrong person while trying to accomplish his dreams. I appreciate everyone who has helped me I know my son is looking down on me from heaven with a smile on his face. He knows his dad is someone with determination and will do what he has to. I care that is why I am telling the truth about Robert I am not getting anything from doing this, I am not benefiting or getting paid. Robert has not done anything personally to me so I am not getting revenge I just want the truth about him out there whether or not others want to believe it, at least I did what I could.
Here is the newest information on Robert Flores.
I did say I was done with Robert but that was before he hired someone to track me and before I spoke to one of his children. I am the voice of that child that Robert has hurt and continues to hurt.
Website and contact information of his church Triumph church
825 9th Street
Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
Phone: (931) 244-6514
Fax: (931) 244-6554
Website: [email protected]
The picture of him in the hat is from the site above, this is according to a person that knows him, Robert Flores. They sent the pic to me but I was having trouble opening it so they said I could go to the above site and get it there.
Robert’s new women’s’ rehab center Triumph Recovery Center contact information and website
The picture of the house with the red car in the vehicle I assume is the center.
519 N. Military
Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
Phone: (931) 244-6514
Email: [email protected]
This last site was also on the women’s’ rehab site that apparently is in California. How I have no idea. It is supposedly a faith base organization called life challenge, which Robert claims to have changed his program name from teen challenge to life challenge, which is also the name on his My Space page. Robert Flores designed the site so it has to be linked to him. It seems to be some school but I am unsure why it is located in California. I know he has or had a men’s’ rehab in Columbia called team challenge which was also a school and rehab. It just shows all of his inconsistencies, which also mean lies.
Here is the welcome statement:
Our parish site exists to meet the needs of its members, and to help those members in times of hardship. We worship together as a community of believers. We support one another’s values and beliefs. We nurture the faith of our members in a variety of ways, including adult education programs, a parish grammar school, and guided education for school students.
Contact us:
3375 Edison Way
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (415) 555-5555
Fax: (415) 555-5515
June 11, 2010
Another scam by robert Flores Not a Triumph
New name, it scams.
I want to thank all of you for supporting me and being there during the rough times. I was in the hospital as some of you knew and thank you for all of the get well cards and support. Apparently while I was in the hospital I received new information from you all about Robert Flores and his newest scams. I was receiving messages from the screen name tracker20 he claimed to be a boyfriend of some women that was in Robert’s rehab program and asked me for help. I knew it was Robert and went along with it a bit, and then just got fed up. Well tracker20 is someone hired by Robert to track my email, which is [email protected] for reasons unknown. I believe it is because Robert knows the truth is coming to light and it is making him nervous. Even if he found out where I lived and anything else about me, it would not affect me in any way I am doing nothing that is illegal if anyone is breaking the law its Mr. Flores. I am exercising my freedom of speech, I have not threatened Mr. Flores all I am trying to accomplish is getting people to see the real Robert Flores, that my friend is not illegal. This may be why he changed the names of his programs so we must be doing something right his false teen challenge site was shut down after I spoke with the real teen challenge who then contacted Mr. Flores and well end result the site was shut down. This was a positive but my supporters and followers have recently informed me that Robert is running the same scams just under new names. Tracker20 who Robert or one of his sheep were posing as claimed Robert opened a women’s’ rehab which I did not believe but I have been informed he has. Robert also began a new church I am unsure if it is his church or if he is just a pastor. The site says that it was created by Robert Flores so he created the site and his picture is included on the site as well. Robert has opened a women’s’ center in Lawrenceburg while his men’s’ center apparently remains in Columbia. I have gotten messages asking how he is doing all of this and why he is not caught. Well everyone I am sorry to say that it takes time for bad people to get caught like in my example of Robert and Tammy Fay Baker they had a huge following and traveled all over the world making millions and they did it for a while. It took much time but eventually they were caught. I request all of you to watch American Greed it is a television program about people that run scams and some of them are religious scams like Robert’s. In the con world Robert is small time believe it or not, seeing that he does not own anything and has to rent goes to show how small time he really is. The fact that he moves around in the same area as much he has shows his criminal ways but what he does is rents building or talks people into putting things in their names so there is no connection to him. Robert is not really stupid he is smart when it comes to being a criminal but very dumb when it comes to academics and business sense. He has no idea what he is doing and it really shows. What he does to make himself look or seem intelligent is that Robert surrounds himself with people that are not that educated like his wife. She may be nice or seem nice but lets face it she is not the brightest crayon in the box. When Robert encounters someone that does have intelligence he shuts down it is one of his weaknesses. If you go around calling yourself a doctor you better be able to back it up and show your doctor status. To someone that never graduated from high school Robert may seem smart to him or her but someone that has some education can see right through him. People like me and my followers who have seen all the evidence and helped me with the research on Mr. Flores can all see and realize Robert is really full of it. In the beginning it makes you laugh to see someone so stupid con so many people. But in all it is a sad situation especially for me and others that have lost family members to addiction. Many of you know my story that I lost my one and only child to addiction my son was a drug user and I did not see the signs. Since then I try my best to help families that have been victims of addiction. That is how I came in contact with Mr. Flores I was looking for a small rehab that was faith based and that was in need of funds to do God’s work. Well I accidentally contacted the wrong Teen Challenge looking for Mr. Flores and they told me there was no teen challenges in Columbia Tennessee nor was there a program leader named Robert Flores. I told them about his website and that is when I realized I have been conned. The research on Mr. Flores then began and that is how I found out that he is a liar and that he is just using others weaknesses for his benefit. I posted questions about Mr. Flores to some of the names that came up during my search some replied back to me and some did not. I heard very few positives on Mr. Flores and was taken back by what kind of person he really is. He tells people that know him “I can con anyone and I’m good at being a con”. Which is partly true. There are many that have caught onto him and know who he really is. One person that knows him was one of his children, which I met through a social networking site. I promised them I would not reveal their identity so I will respect their request. It was heartbreaking what they had to say. They said to Robert and people that know him his real children don’t exists they said he has a new family now and he will not claim them. They said he would not even be paying his child support if it weren’t for the fact that he was arrested about four years ago and put in jail for failure to pay his child support. This was all after Robert claimed to be living a clean sober Godly life, so that goes to show he is a liar. They said if Robert did not go to jail he would not be paying his child support. Even though he is paying the support he won’t see his children they said they rarely see him and that he does not call and that they needed him during their teen years. Children need their fathers and the fact that Robert stands in front of the congregation and preaches about living a pure Godly life all while he is not. I am sorry to say that fatherhood is more that writing a check and even if your wife doesn’t want you to see your children you need to do what is right. Children don’t ask to be born they don’t have the same choice you had of whether or not to make a child. If that is not bad enough he apparently adopted a child about five years ago, and treats her great and is a father to her. His child then said that I see Robert with his family in their nice houses and having nice things while going on many family vacations, and ask myself why am I not good enough to have that life too. That is heartbreaking he claims to be this great person when actually he is a coward that can’t take care of his own children.
That is how I found out about Robert Flores so tracker20 bring it on come find me I have not done nothing wrong. It seems like Robert is desperate to stop me telling the truth but I won’t be stopped until Robert tells the truth. He can be forgiven and live the way he claims he is living, but it will never happen unless he tells the truth. Back to his newest scams. I am posting all links to his new sites as well as contact information for anyone that wishes to contact Mr. Flores. I am hoping that Clark Kent will give me more information. He wants to but he says he is scared of Robert. Apparently Robert uses the men from his rehab to not only do work for him while Robert collects their pay, but will also use them as intimidations he will send them to threaten people. Clark seems to be a good 25 year old that just got caught up with the wrong person while trying to accomplish his dreams. I appreciate everyone who has helped me I know my son is looking down on me from heaven with a smile on his face. He knows his dad is someone with determination and will do what he has to. I care that is why I am telling the truth about Robert I am not getting anything from doing this, I am not benefiting or getting paid. Robert has not done anything personally to me so I am not getting revenge I just want the truth about him out there whether or not others want to believe it, at least I did what I could.
Here is the newest information on Robert Flores.
I did say I was done with Robert but that was before he hired someone to track me and before I spoke to one of his children. I am the voice of that child that Robert has hurt and continues to hurt.
Website and contact information of his church Triumph church
825 9th Street
Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
Phone: (931) 244-6514
Fax: (931) 244-6554
Website: [email protected]
The picture of him in the hat is from the site above, this is according to a person that knows him, Robert Flores. They sent the pic to me but I was having trouble opening it so they said I could go to the above site and get it there.
Robert’s new women’s’ rehab center Triumph Recovery Center contact information and website
The picture of the house with the red car in the vehicle I assume is the center.
519 N. Military
Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
Phone: (931) 244-6514
Email: [email protected]
This last site was also on the women’s’ rehab site that apparently is in California. How I have no idea. It is supposedly a faith base organization called life challenge, which Robert claims to have changed his program name from teen challenge to life challenge, which is also the name on his My Space page. Robert Flores designed the site so it has to be linked to him. It seems to be some school but I am unsure why it is located in California. I know he has or had a men’s’ rehab in Columbia called team challenge which was also a school and rehab. It just shows all of his inconsistencies, which also mean lies.
Here is the welcome statement:
Our parish site exists to meet the needs of its members, and to help those members in times of hardship. We worship together as a community of believers. We support one another’s values and beliefs. We nurture the faith of our members in a variety of ways, including adult education programs, a parish grammar school, and guided education for school students.
Contact us:
3375 Edison Way
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (415) 555-5555
Fax: (415) 555-5515
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