I can't believe the number of indiviuals working for the Augusta Office who are getting screwed over by Trojan in respect to their unemployment claim and the lengths and lies that Trojan labor will go through to deny everyone that works for them unemployemnt.
It is true that they are considered a "temporary agency" but a great many individuals use them as their primary employer and in the past when they did have some work and respect from the Augusta Community. Many individuals worked for them every day for very long periods of time. Now that Trojan has screwed over almost every contractor here in the Augusta area and had their business taken from them by Labor Ready, they will go through any length including commiting fraud to deny their workers any unemployment benefits. They have to be stopped because they are basically stealing unmeployment benefits from indivuduals who work hard and live well below poverty level. Anyone with any morals knows that this is wrong. I have witnessed Scott Laporte get slapped, punched, and beat up on a number of occasions because of how he disrespects his workers. He is the worst type of racist and on top of that he is probably the worst person possible to run a business because of his extracurricular activities with crack addicted prostitutes and his addiction to crack cocaine. What I'm saying here is the truth and is known as fact here in Augusta. Anyone reading this should work for Labor Ready who has already most of the labor contracts here in Augusta and treat their workers fairly in respect to pay rates and unemployment benefits in general. The truth is simply the truth.