Company placed an d on craigs list for Someone to set up DOT Compliance, they had no system. Since this is what I do I had a meeting and was hored as soon as i got there. The owner wanted to get to know me so we went for lunch. It was almost a two hour meeting where I was told that I would have free reighn to set up and so all I have to do to get his company in complaine and audit ready. I was told I would be paid 800.00 a week plus expenses to set up files etc. He also offered to buy or rent a house so I would be closer to work if the weather was bad or his drivers needed a place to stay. Whihc I foud odd. Ayway we went back to the office the dispactcher and bookkeeper was told to do anything I said in order to get everything done. i worked that night til 7pm getting stuff together for the Plate renewals and was asked to go to harrisburg the next day. I worked at home that night preparing the docs for the renewal. Met the owner in harrisburg. He had to pay 2290 taxes and did not have any money on him. Asked me if I had my check book, which I did . He said he would have the money wired into my account as soon as we got back.
The next two days I had to return to harrisburg in the hope to pick up the plates. They were not ready. Five days went by and the money still ws not wired. I told him it would bounce and he would not get his plates at all. Anyway I had to go back to harrisburg to get the
plates, He snent about 8000.00 in cash and money orders. The bill was for 12, 000 so again he asked me to give them a check and i would get the money the next day. After a week the funds were not wired and now I have worked a week and still have not been paid. I requested payment immediately. I was given a credit card and told that the money would be tranferred to that for my weekly pay. The first week nothing - I started on May 26 and did not receive the card til june 15. After repeated attempts - I am totally at my witts end. So them a payment was tranfered of $ 750.00 - stil owing me the balance of the money I paid out - plus two weeks salary. I was told that payments would be made
to the credit card. I had alrady set up the office using my office furnitaure my supplies and some supplies i had to order and asked to pay for and would be reiembured. Well I continued to request my money and i was not paid. My truck broke down and I needed about 700.00 for repairs I requested that the funds be tran sfered so I could get the repairs and come to work on Monday. I did not go to work becuase the funds were never tranferred . I contacted the owner and requested to be paid in full. Alll the money he owed me. He never returned a call - day in day out I contacted his bookkeeper. I then received an email saying i dissappered for 15 days. I was only out 3. I got a feeling that this guy was up to no good he was not true to his word. He was basicaaly full of everything he told me at our meeting. I told him I wanted my pay and to pick up my filing cabnmets and everything I set up the office with. I was told by the bookkeepr he would be there so i drove down with my pick up and he refused to pay me and let me take my belonging trying to say they were not mine and I had to prove it. So i called the police they said I had to go to court for the money and my stuff. So now I am screwed. No Pay - Nothing - cost $ 150.00 to go to court. I get a call from the owner saying he was sorry he acted that way and he would tranfer the money in my account and if I would come back to help get ready for the insurance renewal. I told him if all the money was placed in my account. I would go over everything with him what he needed for the insurance renewal. He tranfered 325.00 out of 32000 he owed me. I told him that was not enough and I never heard from him again. He canceled the credit card and
I am out 3200.00 plus my office stuff. I want this man stopped. He has no right being in business - He also owns a taximeter company in NY and a Tire manufacting Company in Elmira, NY. He is a very bad man. Stealing from a hard worker like that - I have reported this man to the department of labor - they have not receovered my pay. It has been weeks and I understand someone wlse is at my job using my office furniture. Well he will go to court and I will not stop until he is out of business. He can only rip off so many people before he gets what he deserves. I hope he looses everything and sees what he has done to hurt a family by playing with their money -