Please see attached letter which has been sent via USPS (X3), emailed (X2),
and hand delivered (X1), and a documented 20+ phone calls over the past 7
months with nothing but excuses such as "we'll have someone call you back",
" I'm not the guy to handle this", "it's another employee's problem", "you
did not water enough" (though local water company -EA bills dispute this
claim, "it was a tough summer", and the most recent statement "the water
table is really low".
I requested the last technician on 12-16 to please have customer service
contact me as the letters were going unanswered. He stated he would make a
note of request.
No one called
My wife called on 12-29 and spoke with Josh, Chris Stone, Charles Taylor and
was told that they would be back in touch.
No one called
My wife called on 1-5-07 and Charles Taylor said he would be out and did
show up @ 1700, took soil sample claimed we did not have St. Augustine grass
in our back yard (which was the sod originally planted in 2001) and said it
was Pete's problem.