I have signed up with Trusted rewards for a $500 giftcard. I met all the necessary requirements. And mailed them the voucher so i could receive this gift. within 30 days so it said on their website.
They received the voucher and the status of my gift on their website changed into 'CONFIRMED TO BE SHIPPED' Dated Oct 5th. This was on 2007!
Now as I have said. I have completed all the required offers and mailed the voucher for this site and my gift had been confirmed to be shipped for almost 16 MONTHS.
I have emailed this company everyweek for the past year about the shipment status of my gift and every single time they had told me that they are working on shipping gift for my month and that they should mail it soon.
ANd if i called them, they would tell me the same thing. That there is nothing they can do and they cannot tell me when my gift is actually going to be shipped in the most unfriendly way. FOR THE PAST YEAR.
And yesterday 1/25/09, I received a letter from this company that tells to buy upto $500 giftcard from any retailer and I mail the receipt with yet again another voucher. To get reimbursed of the highest amount purchased in that receipt. ANd that I should receive the check in yet again another 8-10 weeks.
Let me be clear that My gift was supposed to be shipped in 30 days. When I had called customer service they informed me that it is not actually 30 days but 6-8 weeks. After 8 weeks there was nothing.
ANd here we are after 16 months, they are asking me to spend up to $500 out of my own pocket to get up to $500??? Within 8-10 weeks???? My gift was supposed to be sent out 6-8 weeks from OCt 5th 2007. So, i am going to spend up to $500 and wait for how long??? This is absurd!!!
I have been very patient. This company is BRUTAL. Have no mercy!
I suggest you stay away!!!