I, Parimi HRN Vara Prasad (emp Code:ka2705) working as a Branch manager at Visakhapatnam Branch. I am working in this organisation since july 2010. I have not received the salary for month of December 2010. I got a major accident on 5th January 2011. For that doctors adviced 3 months bedrest. For months of Jan, Feb, March 2011, I have not received any single paisa as salary and I have not received any medical reiumbersement also inspite of my best services to organisation. For this I have sent many mails to HR head Mr. Karan Tandon to his mail id:[email protected]. But I have not received any reply, It is very difficult to maintain with higher inflation and very difficult to sustain in city like vizag. Kindly look in to the matter so that I could get my dues from the organisation. Hoping for the positive reply from your end.
Thanking you.
Emp Code: KA2705