This accounting firm gave our non-profit charitable organization a quote of between $1600 and $2000 on filing it's taxes. They said the quote was so high because they had to arduously go through all of our accounting and make a lot of changings. The changes were however minor and insignificant and were a ploy to get us to submit to such high fees. But we justified the expense because the accountants said that it would include fixing our books and filings for a refund on sales taxes already paid.
They originally said that they would take our Quickbooks accounting file and make necessary adjustments. But with a week to go before our taxes were due, we were forced to sign an engagement letter that did not specifically include several items verbally promised (tax refunds, reclasses and tax-exempt status request letters).
When we specifically requested to have our Charities Board Registration Form 400 submitted they erroneously said on several occassions that the form had changed and wasn't necessary. They decided to ignore our tax attorney's advice and skip this filing which caused two years of their filings to be rejected. As a result, we had to collect all documents and resubmit and are subject to penalties because of their lack of non-profit taxes.
Laughingly, they claim not to have Quickbooks and were unable to make the accounting adjustments that they claimed were necessary.
The worst part is that we have to fix what they did with our IRS 990s and redo all the work with another accountant. When we got their bill, for the full $2000, we could have protested payment and not paid at all but we offered them $1500--It was rejected and now they're trying to threaten our charitable organization with a lawsuit. They are now trying to scare our Board of Directors by having the accontant's wife (an attorney) threaten legal action for not paying.
Don't go near this firm--They don't know what they're doing.