TSP Solutions is a company with an agent named Christina Saldana. Christina Saldana is the Notary for Bankcard Empire/Davidan Corporation. If you are able to get your credit card company to do a chargeback of funds that Bankcard Empire/Edgemont Productions charged to your account, then TSP Solutions steps in as a "Collection" Agency" and threatening you with non-payment. This in essence destroys your credit profile if you don't give into the threat.
Contact the Senators and House of Representatives for the state of Arizona, and ask them why there are very few regulations on these so called business. And why there are so many operating out of Arizona? Get a Congressional investigation going on these businesses in Arizona.
Edgemont Productions isn't even a licensed, registered business in Arizona. The only Edgemont Productions I could find is in Marshall, Texas run by a woman named Christina Anderson.
The Federal Trade Commission who investigates these types of business and the cold calls they produce, are down from 2000 employees to 1000, and they don't have enough people to keep up with the reports. These businesses are working on that by staying under the radar, unless people start to fight back, like they are now, then the companies started threatening defamation litigation. Deep pockets, especially since they are using someone else's money, and as long as people keep getting entrapped in their "program", "call blast", "e-mail blasts", and "sure thing" scripted messages, they will have more money to punish the people who complain when their chain is jerked. Bad Master, Good Dog, makes into bad dog.