Sick of seeing fights in the parking lot!
Because of the change in the bus routes many parents have to take their high school student to school themselves. Where is the security, principal, teacher on watch? Although it is not the job of the principal or even teachers, having someone standing out in these parking lots with a walkie talkie in the a.m. and p.m. is not rocket science. Tulsa Public Schools gets a bad rap as being the school district you never want to send your child to. After transferring my child this year into TPS, I can see why. Realizing the district does not have much money it is not necessary to treat theses high schools like they do not matter. Most of these TPS high schools are not located in some inner city slums.
I am sick and tired of seeing these fights all the time! Usually parents dropping off have to drive around the fight to leave the parking lot. Or maybe your the parent that got out of your car to call the police. TPS, start treating these kids with the dicipline and watch that is needed on your property! Maybe what your doing is not working so it's time to change the way your doing things. Times are getting more violent maybe you should keep up with the times! Don't continue to make the non fighters in fear every time you drop them off to go to school. Remember these kids do not have a choice they have to go to school, it's their job. And it's your school and district to take care of. We do pay our taxes!