Yes im writing in reference to tupperware shel smarts I have purchased 28 of these so called food storage containers . When i did this i got rid of all my modular mates which were great. I was told of how great these things were.
Well let me say i was very missinformed. I found my cookies getting soft in a few days, chips getting old and stale brown sugar getting hard as well as many many other stapels and some that were very expensive i. I called tupperware customer service and was told to pack it all up and mail to them at my expense and they would test the product and get back to me . I am getting ready to do this although i feel i should not have to pay for this when i payed to have it shipped to me when i purchased it.
A product they say is airtight even leaks water. beware of these shelf smarts .Please if you read this and have had problems with this product please email me at luckydeb2@aol with shelf smarts in the subject line so I have some proof this product is bad.The customer service lady also herself told me that they have had many problems with this particular item.