If you have been ripped off by this company: Call your credit card company at once and dispute the charge, You have 60 days from the date the charge was on the card. E-mail the attorney General, the national BBB, the Florida BBB, the consumer Protection Company and the Canada Mounted Police. That is what I did. They scammed me out of $165.00 and I hate the idea that they are doing the same thing to people every day ! At this point I just hope to get my money back-don't want to deal with such a disreputable company besides I read that their product isn't worth it anyway!! I placed my order in November and still have not received anything!!
Here are there addresses: DVD Avenue/TV Addicts 1920 Broad St # 13547 Regina, SK S4P3V2 and also 1671 Aventura Blvd Aventura, Florida 33180. Good Luck.