E-TRADE FRAUD COMPLAINT; REF: #123455, 123471 & 124622 STOP these people from charging my damn card!! This not an authorized charge and there is no doubt as this card is seldom used and only for specific items. STOP THEM! This is clear and obvious theft, hey, I'm getting mugged here people!! 'EY! Little Help!! These people show up in a Google search with countless fradulent reports; search for them!! My browser lit up like a Christmas tree!! ON FIRE!!! Somebody whack 'em or something BEFORE I'm run into the poor house. By the time I go through your E-Trade account closure hoops, which by the way is only faster than a one-arm parapalegic brain surgeon in a straight jacket with Terets, I'll be homeless!! GEEEEZE!! If they were pulling this in my living room I could blow 'em away and be completly justified it's so obvious!! Can anybody stop these animals? I think we covered the 5, 000 complaint minimum a while ago. HELLO!! <<THUMP-THUMP> Is this thing on? Dayum, I'll walk to Utah and get there faster. The Google theft reports have been going off for some time, and people there are saying nobody can stop them, and you must close the account if you have any hope to get the bandits off your wallet. If these persidents wern't dead, I bet some mofo ho be getting narly mojo in his dojo, from the popo. You can reach me under the I-55 bridge (green sleeping bag)...
Well, that was theroputic and keeps me off the "Tri-State Killing Spree" late news.
For God's sake, somebody put these numbnuts on a milk carton or Billboard for missing criminals?
...I'm ok now.