Unfortunately I signed up for a home based business with Tweetomatic Profiteer and they charged my debit card more money than I agreed to. This alarmed me so I called to cancel and get a refund of my $61.87. He did credit my account as I requested, however, the same man owned another company that he signed me up for without my knowledge and took $21.87 out of my account. As soon as I saw this charge on my bank statement, I called the phone number at least 10 time with no answer or return calls from messages I left. I sent an email requesting refund and cancellation of whatever he signed me up for that I don't even know what the service is. I still received no response, and then almost a month later I see on my bank statement another charge for $25.00 from the same company.
At this time I am really pissed and getting irate at this time I sent them another email, this time telling them if I did not receive a timely response, I would turn them in to BBB, Federal Trade Commission, national news networks, Ripoff Reports, etc etc.
After the deadline, I did send a note to Rip Off Report, and guess what, I finally received a response, this email was quite threatening, and they said they would not even consider a refund unless I sent a note to Rip Off report and told them I was wrong about my report of them. Now I don't know what to do. I sent them a reply to their email telling them I would rescind my statements as soon as I saw the $46.97 credit to my bank account they took it out of aand then they need to assure me I won't be charged anything else by them and they need to cut up, shred all my financial and personal information. Espeially my deit card information.