TXU Energy

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Fort Worth, Texas, United States

TXU Energy Reviews

bw2 December 1, 2009
Billing Scams and Poor Customer Service
I heard a new billing system has resulted in many billing errors and disatisfied customers receiving billing for services from many months ago which are not even correct. I was billed for over $500 usage at an apartment I never rented after turning down a job and informing TXU that I was not moving in after all. Since they would not contact the owner or apartment manager, the burden of proof was on me to get an apartment manager I do not even know to fax a statement on my behalf. I have accrued over $25 in fax and $5 in mailing fees. After closing my account 5 months ago, I received a final billing invoice and paid connect fees-only but was billed for no usage since I never moved-in. Now 5 months later, I am being billed for 5 months on electric usage. I have spent hours of my time and my own money having to prove I never lived there, prove I actually called and cancelled services in spite of having a final billing invoice and proof that I live in another State. Customer service is being provided by uneducated and incompetent people in foreign countries and an automated phone and e-mail system with no competent person responding even at the supposed Executive Feedback Center where you get a series of e-mail responses that your e-mail was not properly processed or received-reply again in this space etc. and then your e-mail keeps getting sent back-more roadblocks to customer service. Customer service workers are living in another country-working on Thanksgiving and 24 hours a day 7 days a week, did not even understand why I was shocked that they were working on Thanksgiving until I realized they were in another country and time zone. I was told that I could not prove that I called so I had to remind him that as a T-Mobile customer in the US, I have access to detailed billing statements listing all of my phone calls which I can prove. I alway s get excellent customer servuce from Americans at T-Mobile bythe way. But the burden of proof for correcting a biiling error should not be on the customer. I had to explain that in America, you are innocent until proven guilty. I have 20 years of excellent credit but was being questioned as if I was a criminal saying well how do we know you really called TXU and cancelled your service, you could be living in 2 states and it is on you to prove yourself or pay or we will report you to all 3 credit bureaus etc. Three ofthe customer service workers knew nothing about the law, consumer rights e.g. do not understand why I wanted a physical address so I could send certified letter or serve papers on TXU Energy to protect my good credit rating legally. They say just call or fax-which does not hold hold up in court and then they can keep questioning if you really called or faxed to get you to pay. Just sending proof of out of state residence, utility bills from another state, a final TXU invoice of account closure was not good enough for these incompetent, less than minimum wage workers called investigators. TXU must think they have consumers over an oil barrel. Boycott this company and require them to hire US citizens to work and not 24-7 or on Thanksgiving. Make them uphold consumer legal rights or do not patronize their services. They need a good class action lawsuit to shut such practices down. TXU business practices reflect what is wrong about what is happening in America-losing our rights and having our jobs sent to foreign countries and our hard earned money extorted by corrupt billing errors. I have already contacted the Texas Public Utilities Commission and next will contact the Attorney General. Hope it gets resolved soon!
Dr. is unhappy November 24, 2009
Abominable Customer Service
I've just spent over an hour dealing with TXU. First, the woman who barely spoke English kept calling me by the wrong name. When I corrected her FOUR times and told her that I was offended, she kept doing it anyway. She refused to transfer me to a supervisor. I called back and talked with a supervisor who said she could not help me.

Many calls later, I was asked to pay my bill with my credit card on the automated system. After two tries, the automated system kept refusing to accept my credit card saying that the number was missing a digit. Both times, the system had different prompts--they must have multiple systems with different software on each. Finally, I reached another English-speaking person who took my credit card without charging me their "convenience fee" for giving it to a live human.

Two people even put me on hold and after 8 minutes each time, the system disconnected me. What's up with that kind of thing? I was not at all rude or abrasive--I was as courteous as the script readers talking to me.

So, after an hour, I still haven't done what I wanted to do--set up automatic recurring credit card payments. They keep saying that I MUST create an online account to do that. When I tell them that I do NOT have secure internet access, they say that there is no way to set it up unless I do it through their automated system...the circle run again.

What is WRONG with this company? First, they need customer service people who can think. With so many people looking for work, can't they hire people who are able to understand and solve basic problems? Second, it is ridiculous to force people online to deal with billing. All other companies I deal with are happy to take my credit card on the phone to set up recurring automatic payments. I shouldn't have to do that online if I do not have access to a secure internet connection. What about people who do not have internet at all?

I have a call into Margaret Pyrtle, a supposed higher-up in customer service. Let's see if she's a real person and if someone has the courtesy to return my call!

I CAN say that TXU isn't as bad as Amigo Energy...but they're close!
IanG19 September 16, 2009
Overcharged me with a false read and refused to retract it
TXU energy ripping customers off and have poor customer service:

I have a place that was damaged by the hurricane. I had moved out but left electricity connection in place in anticipation of fixing it. The walls have since been gutted, breakers turned off. I stopped receiving monthly bills shortly after the hurricane and did not receive a bill again for 10 months. I called to verify there was no charges to my account. I was told there was a credit. Within the last few months I started getting summary statements for the previous unbilled months. Many of the months read 0 kilowatts which made sense with what I was told on the phone. Then one bill summed up the last previous 3 months claiming I used 11, 000 kilowatts of energy and totaling over $1800. I called multiple times to have someone look into the matter, since it was impossible!!! I spoke to two supervisors who gave me the run around. The final supervisor I spoke to said “It doesn’t matter what makes sense, the final reading was reported by the technician and therefore you are liable, no matter what reason.” I asked about what was done to investigate the meter was even working correctly and could not get straight sensible answers. Seeing as obviously the company would not correct the matter, I filed a complaint to the Texas Utility commission. Thank goodness they exist. They sent me a letter back saying the company did not have the equipment available to verify their final read claims and must retract back the claimed 11, 000 kilowatt usage. Great news, however now I am dealing with trying to now get the money they owe me, since I should have a near $300 credit now. The supposed date of retraction was 8/20/09 and it is now 9/14/09. I called today and of course the call person reports there is no corrected bill yet or mention of one pending. He directs me to a “high priority” call line…which is a voice mail that is full!!! I called back and this time am told I need to call back Friday and maybe the reported changes to the Texas Utility commission might actually be in the system since he did not see any of those reports yet. Anyways bottom line is I think they are greedy crooks and you should avoid choosing them as your provider. If you do have problems, contact the Texas Utility Commission.
davis family September 1, 2009
Charged me twice for the 400.00 deposite
I called to set up service on june 15th 2009 and on june 17th it still wasnt on so i called back and they set up my neboirs electric who already had service in her name and put it in my so, I was told to call and disconect the previous service and start over.I called them a fifth time to see how i could fix it and they put me on hold because they couldnt find my account, at this point im out raged so i asked to speak with a manager and some how they find my account and the laddy asked could she fix it without transfering me, i told her i didnt care just wanted it fixed asap.We go threw the whole process agin the rules and regulations that i already heard 5 times before she told me she would have someone out that day to cut on service, they did cut it on but i wasnt told i would have to pay for what my neibor used witch wasnt my mistake and have to pay the 400.00 deposite agin
bilancich July 23, 2009
Service & Billing
I have been a TXU customer since 2006. In January 2009 we moved to another location, when I finally got my bill it was billed to the old location. I called them and asked them to fix the billing address, the next month they still had the wrong mailing address on my bill. Since the mailing address was wrong it was taking almost three weeks longer to get my bill, so by the time my bill got to me my bill was due. I have called them every month for six months asking them to change my billing address. They still to this day have not changed the mailing address. Then last month I got my bill and I noticed that my bill had almost doubled, I checked my last 12 months bills and they where all the same. So I called and asked them about it, they said that they couldn't do anything about it. The only thing they could offer me was $0.14 locked in for 12months. That’s still more then what I had been paying for the past 12 months. So I called a couple of other companies and found one for $0.11 and better customer service. So I put a transfer order in with the new company, they are suppose to take over on July 28. Today I went online to make a payment and the website is still down and has been for three weeks now, you can't make a payment online, but they still want to charge you a fee for calling in. I thought I was done with this company today, and then a couple of hours ago there was a email in my in box from TXU about my new service starting on July 27. I called them and they so nicely confirmed that my move in date to the new address where I already have service at was set for July 27. I explained to them that I was not moving and that I already had service with them. They couldn't tell me what was going on and I talked to three different people, after being hung up on twice. I was done!! I finally called my new company and confirmed that we are still on track for the new service. TXU still says that my new Service is to start on July 27 and they wont listen to me at all.
Brenda s. Flores July 14, 2009
Deposit Refund
On or about march of 09 I requested services w/ TXU Energy for add. 2714 NW 34th st to be connected by April the 3rd of 09. I was unable to move into this residence due to a foreclosure on this property. I then found another place of residence at 2800 Ennis Ave and, requested my services be transfered from NW 34th to Ennis Ave. Once again i was unable to move into this place of residence due to electrical issues that needed repairs in which the landlord refuse to have worked on. I then moved to WEATHERFORD TX to live w/ my brother Roy Bustos at 1130 A Jameson st. I never moved into either of the two add. mentioned in this complaint, I called TXU requesting my refund on my deposit be sent back to me in the amount of 150.00 dollars i was then told at thattime that it would take four to six weeks for me to recieve this payment . Only that it wouldnt be 150.00 dollars, that i had used 1 kilowatt an my refund was for the amount of 102.64 ( I NEVER MOVED INTO EITHER ADD. PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND THIS USAGE ) Fine i told them just send me my refund . On May 25th of 09 still no check . I continued to wait threw all the runaround on June the 26th still no check i called them asked them to trace this check that they supposedly sent and issue me another one and stop giving me the runaround about my refound that i have already been scamed out of 47.36 just send me the remainder. I was then told that they would and i should be recieving it w/ in ten working days from the 26th of june here it is the 14th of July and TXU still REFUSES to send me the remainder of whats left of my deposit and TXU supervisors and agents continue to give me the runaround as of this date
David Po July 14, 2009
Total Incompetency
TXU Insanity: Definition of INSANITY is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different outcome. Read on for my personal insanity: Promised a SimpleRate 24 plan at a good price per kWh back in March 2008 and offered a $75 coupon incentive. So, I switched to TXU from my previous provider. Service finally started 10 weeks later and it was a much higher rate. Called several times in July 2008 to correct, but no one could find a record of the recorded call I made with the sales representative. All they would do is offer me their current promotion (of course at a higher rate). Frustrated with still being at the beginning, I sent an email in July and September. No responses from those emails. Tried again in October and finally reached a Complaint Coordinator who seemed to understand my plight and said he could fix my rate to where it should be. Said he would even give me the $75 coupon promised.

When I didn't see any changes on the next bill, I called back in November and confirmed that nothing had changed. They could not help me/would not help me.

Emailed them twice in December. The first time they just closed my request without doing anything. The second time I was promised a call within 48 hours. Never did receive that call.

In January 2009 it was a fresh year, I thought I would start off for a fresh resolve to this. I called, repeated my story again (for the 20th time) and was told that to get out of my current plan (that I was incorrectly placed into) would be a $200 cancellation fee. Called again the next day to start over and moved to the Escalation Team where they seemed to understand what had happened. A supervisor supposedly moved me to the correct plan (again) and told me I would get the $75 coupon promised and the $125 overbilled from last year.

February - noticed that I did receive the $75 credit for the coupon promised, but did not see the $125 for over billing nor did I see the switch to the correct plan. The incompetence is overwhelming! I'll be patient again and see if it takes two cycles to post everything.

March - Early in March I called and asked about the credit, as usual I was switched several times to several people and had to repeat my story multiple times. Said I would receive the $125 credit and a phone call to confirm the credit. Finally on March 31, after never receiving back the promised phone call, I called them and was able to confirm that the credit had just been applied.

April - Still receiving bills with the overcharged amount, but just too disgusted to call them and begin the process over again.

May 2009 (15 months after the journey began) - Have picked up the torch again. Not able to resolve through TXU, so I placed a complaint with the Public Utilities Commission and provided them with all my documentation.

June 2009 - Four weeks later I received a reply, that I would be moved into the month-to-month plan that has no early cancellation fee and that they would credit my account for the $159 additional overcharge that they determined. A manager called me and left a voice mail stating this, but did not leave a working phone number to reach her at. I did not agree with her calculations and still see that they owe me $75 in over billing. Tried to reach her by calling TXU multiple times, but TXU states they have no internal email system to email employees or cannot transfer any phone calls to another employee (their system does not support it). There is absolutely no way to contact the manager. Is that ludicrous?

July - Have not seen the $159 credit yet, but I believe I have been switched to the no cancellation fee plan. Still need to discuss with them the outstanding $75 overcharge.

In conclusion, this is a company that is at best, incompetent. It has no accountability, so they have no incentive to get it right. From my discussions with their supervisors, their set up is also totally designed to prevent their employees from being accountable... no emailing employees and no forwarding of phone calls to specific people (everything is routed into general queues-both phone calls and emails). I have been lied to countless times about return phone calls and credits to my account and have been disconnected (hung up on) multiple times. I have no faith in anything they say...as I believe it is nothing more than dribble to get you off the phone. I have spent well over 40 hours of my time dealing with this complete debacle. The length of this email alone should be proof of my frustration.
Debra Christopher June 26, 2009
Check Due
TXU Energy is not a real company. The parent company outsources all of their services, including employment. As a former employee of TXU, I have yet to be paid for work I performed last summer. I worked for a subcontractor who went out of business and in spite of assurances I would be paid by TXU, I never received my check. I am not the only person this has happen to. Be very careful before you use their services or consider working for them. You get what you pay for.
Wewant ourpoweron June 12, 2009
Power Outage from storm 26 hours ago
Storm caused power outage now 26 hours ago and counting. The power is still off to 5 houses on our street. I'm new in neighborhood however this happens every storm the last time they say no power for 2 days...
Not unacceptable especially when I call twice today and at 11:07 a.m. they still say they can't tell me when it may be on...at all...why do they not fix the problem this is not satellite this is electricity...no a/c, food in refrigerator is spoiling... on one side is an elderly couple... the other side of me is a lady in a wheelchair...is their no justice this is not New York or the getto this is $100, 000.00 to $175, 000.00 Houses in an residential area this is wrong... if anyone has any suggestions on how to get the power on quicker or on please email me at [email protected] I am speaking out for these 5 houses...We need our power we pay our bills and taxes this is not right...Thank you
Margaret McDonald June 5, 2009
use of "non-green" plastic bags
A TXU Energy rep gave out free Longstar 60Hz CFL light bulbs at MinuteMaid park on Thursday night, June 4th along with a booklet listing energy-saving tips. My concern is with the way these gifts were packaged. Each single bulb in its cardboard container was handed out in a very large heavy plastic bag. A very "non-green" way to encourage us to improve our environment. Wouldn't a paper bag been a more appropriate conveyance for a booklet entitled "Energy Efficiency & Conservation".

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