My son answered a phone call from a Richmond Brown Law Group of california stating I Atook out a Payday loan from US Cash Advance and did not pay them. I called this number they left with my son, 760-383-1481
and was told they had a warrent for my arrest in KY and I needed an attorney for this coming Tuesday, 01/18/2011. I never heard of this company and I have never taken out a loan with them. I searched payday scams and found many compaints in regards to them. I have taken out payday loans but this company is not one of them. Please check into this for me and take whatever action is necessary against them. The guy on the phone said he is a paralegal for this law firm and his name is Jeffery whatever. He could hardly speak english. Please e-mailme [email protected] if you find out anything.
Thanking you in advance
Glenyce V slaughter