On June 11th 2008, I spoke with Donna Washienko the manager of U-Store-It on 7370 West Cheyenne Ave Las Vegas. I was in need of storing my new R.V. in Las Vegas while I was waiting on some repair parts to be shipped from the manufacturer. When I met with Donna I asked about the security system that is in place at the storage facility. I also asked how many R.V.'s had been broken into this year. I was showed the security system and was told we have only had one RV broken into this year. Because of our Superior security system, we were able to recover this travel trailer within 1 week. Donna then proceeded to take me out to the storage lot and showed me the space I was assigned by your customer service people (from the 800 line). She then suggested that I move to a new spot because it will be easier for you to get in and out and will give you more space on either side. What I did not know until later is that this row of storage did have 2 cameras monitoring it, front and back, however both cameras were pointed down making them ineffective. I left my unit at the U-Store-It that day.
On June 26th, 2008 I returned to U-Store-It to retrieve my R.V. for the repair shop, only to find that one window was broken and all electronics were stripped out. Further more I noticed that these thieves did not just take the 45 inch (150 lbs.) flat screen T.V. but they also took the bracket holding the T.V. on the wall. These people had more than enough time to remove 12 hex-nut screws and remove a 60 lbs bracket. But then I noticed they did the same thing to the 27 inch T.V. and Bracket in the bedroom. All in all the thieves took a 27 inch T.V. and wall bracket, 45 inch T.V. and wall bracket, Xbox with wireless remote system. I immediately contacted the Las Vegas P.D. only to find out that it is standard routine that they will not come out and look at the unit. Maybe that is why it was ok for the thieves to leave their finger prints all over the RV; they knew they would not be caught because Las Vegas PD would not come out and dust to stop these criminals! The fingerprints were so distinct, that I was able to take a picture of them using my cell-phone camera.
Once I filed the Police Report at the station I was able to get a hold of management. I now talked with Al Washienko the General Manager of the U-Store-It facility on Cheyenne Ave. Al swore that the RV was fine the night before when he did his drive by check on all the units. I figured this was good; we would be able to find the thieves in less than 12 hours of video. However when we got back to the office after examining the unit, I found out that neither Al or Donna knew how to work the security system. What little that they were able to figure out showed the row that my RV was on at 11:00 P.M. however the camera is pointed down and is installed directly under a light so the only video that was captured was that of the 1st RV unit in that row, you could not see anything past that first RV unit. After fumbling around with the security system, Al came up with a brilliant idea, he decided to pull out the detectives card that is currently investigating a storage unit robbery (Grand Larceny is what Al called it) in which the entire storage unit was cleaned out. Al then proceeded to leave a message for this detective and then let him (the detective) and myself know that this now makes the 6th RV break-in this year! Al then told me that he would review the video and contact me on my cell-phone. I contacted AL later that afternoon and asked AL if the security system for the gate showed anyone coming in and then leaving an hour or so later. Unfortunately he did not know how to operate this system either and would try to figure it out and get back with me. He did give me one piece of information that I thought was useful during our conversation he stated you know during our other break-ins there was always a man wearing dark clothes that we were able to see on video camera. Now between you and I the only type of people that would want to break-in on a cold rainy night is well you know the homeless Mexicans that live on the street out front.
On July 2nd 2008 I decided to try and contact your company's corporate office since I did not hear from Al again. I left a message for Kimberly your operator to call me back. On July 7th 2008 I tried to call again since Kimberly never called me back and left another message. On July 8th 2008 Kimberly finally called me back and referred me to Laura Winter. I talked with Laura and she referred me to Jeoff who asked me to send a copy of the police report and description of what was stolen. After sending this to Jeoff I got a letter from your legal staff stating that you had no intention of doing anything about this situation and that it is unfortunate that it happened.
As of July 21st 2008, the grand total for repairs and displacement because of the situation incurred at your facility is $5, 822.46.
On July 25th I was contacted by Jeff Crossman asking that I give him till Monday July 28, 2008 to investigate what is going on and possibly come to an agreement to a resolution. On Monday July 28th Jeff called with John George VP of operations for this division. They did some investigating and found that when Donna told you one unit had been broken into; she was not trying to deceive you that was the case. Subsequently since signing the contract on June 11th 2008, 6 units including yours had been broken into. Also on July 25th 2008 Jeff stated that I could have bought insurance that would have protected me in cases like this and wanted to know if I had been offered this insurance. I told him that Donna stated you have insurance so you don't need ours. Jeff was blown away with this comment and wanted to know if I had paraphrased this. I told him that was her exact words. However on July 28th 2008 Jeff now states that they do not offer insurance for RV's, only for storage units. Jeff and John offered to pay me $1000 for my troubles and problems that I have encountered. I told both Jeff and John that this is not about getting $1000 for my troubles; this is about fixing a wrong that was done at their facility.