UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital
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Contact Information Beverly Hills, California, United States
UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital Reviews
Hello Schizo Foundation
June 17, 2011
Stephen Marder M.D. Psychiatirst Department Head
UCLA Psychiatrist Stephen R. Marder M.D. requested to hold a meeting with their patient, Lance Coleman's parents under the guise of wanting to work towards a solution for the patient's medical care. The patient who was diagnosed as a schizophrenia six years ago. Due to ineffective treatment and medications that do not work the mother developed a media series titled, Confessions of White Colla Poppin Dope Pusha's to describe American Psychiatry and Big Pharma Dope. UCLA Neuropsychiatric Center Department Head, Psychiatrist Dr. Stephen Marder and his colleague, psychiatrist Carl Fleisher M.D. were upset and offended by being called white collar poppin dope pushas when factually that is what they are. 1. They are white collar professionals, specifically psychiatrists. 2. They were collared dress shirts to work. 3. They pop their collars when putting on their medical doctor lab coats. 4. They physically "push" dangerous, controlled substances (antipsychotic meds or DOPE) into patients veins using a needle and syringe. Dr. Marder and Dr. Fleisher attempted to gang up on the patient's distraut parents and demand that the parents stop complaining on line and criticizing UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital online, on Facebook, Twitter, in press releases and on the website of their new philanthropy organization, The Hello Schizo Foundation. What these psychiatrists were more concerned about was their EGOs and they did not want the world to know that FACTUALLY none of the medications that UCLA Neuropsychiatric had administered to their patient worked or were at all effective which has resulting in countless intense psychotic episodes and the patient having to be tracked by Beverly Hills police, the medie-evacuated on a 5150 status back to UCLA Neuropsychiatric Emergency rooms then admitted and transferred to the intensive care ward of the hospital. Working like mafia hit men, these two psychiatrists demanded that the patients keep silent about the medications and treatments not working. UCLA Neuropsychiatric does not appreciate complaints on a large scale or within social media and press releases even when these grievances are factual. Ironically when you complain at this level (using social media and press releases or complaints online, this is the only way you will get these doctors to take your grievance and deliver the care your loved one deserves, the care - mind you - that you are paying for and that they are billing you $200k + per inpatient stay!!! - I recommend more patients use social media as a means to alert the public about scams or hospitals and doctors like Stephen Marder and Carl Fleischer who create "hostile" mafia like atmospheres to silence legitimate concerns and compliants when the "Life" of their loved ones and the sanity of their loved ones hangs in the balance and should be the only focus. The psychiatrists told the family that if they criticized the psychiatrists even for FACTUAL events and proof on video (see our youtube vide, Hello Schizo ) then they weren't working as a team; therefore they would withhold further medication that could possibly work or help the patient or immediately as of that day simply cease and desist and stop all services to the patient if the family did not stop recording live video footage of the facts, constant psychotic episodes after he received injections or showing proof that the medication - 100mg of Halperdahl - injected by Carl Fleisher M.D. were ineffective, toxic, making the patient's condition worse and causing irreparable harm to the patient's brain and overall health. What we have learned from this episode is that UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital likes to keep all of the factual complaints that prove that these psychiatric medications are ineffective, toxic and dangerous to patients a secret. We have learned that when you ask questions or render formal complaints in writing or to the media the position of this hospital is to demand to censor your factual grievance and proof. These psychiatrists will pull you into a small office and try to intimidate you basically dangling the care of the patient like a carrot and holding the health care hostage if you voice or express valid complaints in writing, video form, press releases and philanthropic websites highlighting the obvious fact that these medications do not work and only make patients worse and that these psychiatric treatments do not work. This is a scam of the greatest magnitude being perpetrated on the American public. The patients in-patient hospitals stays cost in excess of $200, 000.00 per visit for basically doping and babysitting. When the patient is released they immediately within days slip further into psychosis and become a danger to themselves due to this toxic, bad dope that these white collar poppin dope pushas inject into their veins. If these medications and this so called "treatment" by American Psychiatry worked then why did the patient return to UCLA and was admitted three times in the span of six months. The hospital made over half a million dollar billing the family for ineffective doping and babysitting. UCLA Neuropsychiatric is a pristine institution but we learned they like to hide their dirty laundry from the entire world. That dirty laundry is silencing and censoring patients or their families who make legitimate complaints and prove their position in the form of extensive video footage. If you complain they will simply boot the patient out of their out patient clinic. They have no regard for the patient at UCLA Neuropsychiatric. Its profit over people. The environment stifles legitimate complaints against their doctors and their resident trainees because the reputation of the hospital and its psychiatrists egos are more important than addressing criticism which they don't take well. Their patient affairs representatives at UCLA will give you the run around. They will create a clever maze having you run all over the hospital and spend a great deal of time on the phone making an attempt to be "heard" ... The atmosphere is one of, "If you complain we will retaliate against whistle blowers using the full resources of this institution and big pharma. The family spent three + days attempting to raise issues and concerns with the patients affairs officer Linda about the types of medication that was being administered to the patient, the care and the treatment they demand for censorship they were given by Dr. Marder and Dr Fleisher. Linda gave the family the run around, failed to return calls, ignored visits and hid within the hospital under the guise that she was too busy all three days. Then finally, the family posted their complaints to facebook on the Hello Schizo Foundation page and magically the family received a phone call and a change in medication. Social media is a threat to hospitals like UCLA Neuropsychiatric and Dr. Stephen Marder and Dr. Carl Fleisher. They can hide their problems with many patients under the guise of patient confidentiality and when they stifle or bury complaints or force censorship the truth remains buried and not heard by the world or the court of public opinion. The worse part is that the patients suffer and are suffering at the hands of these psychiatrists and this toxic medication and treatment that for centuries has never worked. Revolving door inpatient hospitalizations prove that these medications do not work. This hospital is run like the Gestapo. You will be silenced and then they will stop providing health care. It is unfortunate that psychiatrists can not handle criticism especially when it is valid, truthful and they also agree that yes, the medications and treatments were not working for the patient. Watch carefully as events unfold and more people come forward to reveal that the care and medications were not effective for the mentally disabled loved ones. We are being scammed. These psychiatry treatments do not work and our mentally disabled loved ones are being used as ATM machines and GUINEA PIGS by hospitals like UCLA Neurospsychiatric and Big Pharma. We will also post complaints and warnings about this anti-psychotic medication - or DOPE - halperdahl and the pharmaceutical companies that profit in the trillions off of the scam called psychiatry. No cures. Ineffective treatment. Patients getting worse. Committing suicide or homicide. Intense psychotic relapses and still the agenda is to silence and censor families who attempt to advocate and protect their love one. UCLA Neuropsychiatric, Stephen Marder and Carl Fleisher M.D. as well as the Pharmaceutical companies don't want the truth to get out. They are more concerned with profit over people and innocent, vulnerable mentally disabled people are collateral damage of this corporate transaction. There are no cures. Beware. Protect your loved ones from this obvious scam.
Hello Schizo Foundation
June 16, 2011
Psychiatrist Sahib Khalsa M.D.
Dr. Sahib Khalsa UNFORTUNATELY, as a TRAINING RESIDENT managed to be on the team caring for our son TWICE while he was admitted to UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital at over $200, 000.00 USD for ineffective, toxic doping and babysitting. UCLA Neuropsychiatric is profiting in the billions with treatments and medications that simply do not work. Both times the patients family who incidentally hails from a family of renowned ivy league physicians found that Dr. Khalsa was 'ARROGANT', unprofessional and lacked ZERO SKILLS in bed side manners. He also suffers from an alarming case of garden variety white privilege perhaps. Further he stated that the patient was the worse case he had ever seen and should be immediately committed to an institute for the mentally deranged. Mind you Sahib is a trainee and a resident ... really how many cases has he seen in his SHORT (no pun intended) career, exactly ? And the family of this mentally disabled man rejects the notion that their son should be committed to any institute for the mentally deranged. On several occasions the family had to demand that UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital remove Sahib from their son's recovery and treatment team due to his personality conflicts and "issues" ... Then the family had to demand that the medications be changed because Sahib was prescribing medication that was not only ineffective (as they all are) but the medication would not stay in the patients system and he was doomed to have relapses. Finally after spending several days contacting patient affairs and then stating that they would take further action including a social media campaign against the hospital and the doctor, the head of the department agreed to change the medication. During a private, closed door family meeting he disrupted the family meeting that was supposed to be abut patient care and shouted in an alarming out burst in frustation, "Your son is not responding at all to any of these medications!" The patients mother replied, "Isn't that because factually and STATISTICALLY there has NEVER been a SINGLE CURE nor a CASE where these psychotropic drugs have ever worked? Isn't it also a FACT that American Psychiatry for that matter is based on subjective guessing and nearly all of these concocted disorders in the DSM mirror one another, its basically akin to a marble guessing game. " ... The meeting was further derailed when Dr. Khalsa requested that the patients family member create wardrobe adjustments. Perhaps due to the fact that Dr. Khalsa is a very small man, he suffers from a Napoleon Complex and has a need to overcompensate which unfortunately translates into bizarre behaviors. Run. Don't walk and be careful if you have to engage this doctor. Also keep an eye out for him on your state medical board's complaint and hot sheet list if these red warning flags accelerate. With poorly trained, arrogant and highly emotional doctors like this man of miniature stature, Sahib Khalsa one questions who should be institutionalized and wearing straight jackets, the psychiatrist or the patient. More alarming is the fact that with arrogant doctors who are easily frustrated that their toxic dope and ineffective treatments aren't working and seek to blame the "patient" for the fact that these medications aren't working ... the mentally disabled have an uphill battle. I would not recommend this doctor due to his SHORT fuse and his SHORT temper. He is short in stature and perhaps that is part of the problem but then again according to statistics and published reports, Psychiatry is among the most stressful occupations. Psychiatrists are often riddled with guilt when after years of their white collar poppin dope pusha "grind" they themselves accept the fact that they are part of the problem and not the solution and their patients have either committed suicide or homicide or worse. Often these psychiatrists simply are in denial which seems difficult when there are countless published reports that verify there has never been a single CURE and that these medications simply DO NOT WORK and they never have. If these medications did work, this begs the query ... why then are they unwillingly participants in the revolving door INPATIENT PSYCHIATRY business time after time; on medications but still relapsing and slipping further and further into psychosis only to return back again to UCLA Neurospsychiatric Hospital every six weeks for a 14+ day hold of in patient psychiatric hospitalizations in excess of $200, 000.00 per stay (more doping and babysitting) that does not and never has ever WORKED! American Psychiatry does not have the answers and its clear that in a short period of time PSYCHIATRISTS, PSYCHOLOGISTS and MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS will become obsolete motivating Ai and Robotocist Developers to use exponentially advancing technology to provide solutions to the mental health problem in America and worldwide. The stereotypes of Psychiatrists suggest the profession attracts social rejects and misfits, perverts, the arrogant, white collar criminals, sociopaths, the sadistic and those who lack compassion. Experiencing Sahib substantiates many of these published stereo-types. We found him to impede the process of care, insert personal issues, conflicts and emotional outbursts during family care meetings and more importantly intentionally prescribing medication that was documented by the family as being 100% ineffective in the past simply to set the patient up for an inevitable relapse. We would not recommend Sahib Khalsa to anyone due to the unfortunate experience we had with him. Be careful. Advocate for your mentally disabled loved one. Put these types of psychiatrists under the scope and in the spot light early could mean the difference between saving lives including the life of your loved one in mental crisis. Watch for Dr. Sahib Khalsa in the future by reviewing public records with state medical board complaint rosters, hospital employment hot doctor hot sheets, civil lawsuits, criminal complaints and malpractice insurance claims. Remember also that doctors are mere mortals and the human condition leaves them prone to their own baggage and emotions but what is not acceptable as a physician is arrogance or intentionally prescribing the wrong medication and then refusing to change it until the family of the patient complains at the top of the food chain and on facebook! What is also not acceptable is having a medical professional - a psychiatrist at that lose his composure and break into outbursts. What should be a crime in America is allowing these doctors to profit off of a racket, knowingly injecting bad, toxic big pharma dope that has consistently NEVER CURED a SINGLE PERSON nor ever WORKED in a single case ... Be careful citizens. Complain often and keep these types of shinnanigans in the spot light. Most white collar crime happens in stealth mode. Dr. Khalsa is a practicioner of marble medicine. GUESSING GAMES. Not based on any known science.
On a good note: Dr. Brian Pham appears to be a compliment to UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital. Thank GOD! American Psychiatry Thought Leadership must be changed to put the real talent in roles of leadership so that failing doctors like Sahib Khalsa can master the essential skills in training moments and the current psychiatry thought leadership must be changed to reflect more Asians and the real professionals who 'get it' ... Follow up, excellent communication skills, empathy and compassion, professionalism, removing ego from the equation in care and prioritizing what is in the best interest of the patient. We would recommend Dr. Pham. He gets it right, does his job and at the end of the day his commitment was to do what was in the best interest of the patient. He also understood that as the family we are not there in the equation to be or cause problem our only goal is to see that our loved one gets better and maximizes survive and thrive. How refreshing it was for us a few weeks ago when our son was once again admitted due to a psychotic relapse and to have Dr. Pham as the lead doctor on the team. We were pleasantly surprised this time around not to endure the wrath of a conflicted and troubled psychiatrist, not to get into personality conflicts, battles of the wits or hit the brick wall called arrogance and lack of compassion from our son's psychiatrists!!! This is also an interesting note, in the Asian culture the elderly and disabled are highly respected; not thrown away and there is no throw away society mentality amongst the majority of Asians. Also there is priority on excellence and high achievement and we see this manifested in Dr. Pham's professionalism, follow up and concern for the patient. Our healthcare system needs to clone the Brian Pham M.D.s and put them in leadership positions where they can role model their exceptional standard of care and professionalism to those who failed to master these mission critical care skills in medical school or fellowships. See and request this doctor - Brian Pham M.D. UCLA Neuropsychiatric . He's doing his job! A credit to the (so-called) profession and a credit to doctors everywhere! Run, don't walk from Psychiatrist Sahib Khalsa M.D. because his "hang ups" and "issues' will make you feel mentally, physically and spiritually "ILL" ... ; (
Hello Schizo Foundation
June 16, 2011
Carl Fleisher M.D. Psychiatrists
Carl Fleisher M.D. is a white collar (white collar professional that wears collared shirts) poppin dope (psychiatric medications are controlled substances hence DOPE) pusha (he factually injects DOPE into patients by first writing them a prescription for the dope and then pushing the liquid form of the DOPE into the patients veins- just like heroin or cocaine, etc) that injects toxic, bad Big Pharma dope into innocent and vulnerable mentally disabled patients that causes them to -factually- slip into psychosis faster and repeatedly with intense psychosis episodes. This psychiatrist is more concerned with profit over people and his ego instead of doing what is consistently in the best interest of the patient. He also bears a striking and sometimes disturbing resemblance to Abraham Lincoln. It is our hope that Doctor Carl Fleischer M.D. will accept the fact that this BIG PHARMA DOPE is toxic and causes irreparable damage to patients and since historically there has NEVER been a SINGLE case of CURES the time is overdue for these psychiatrists to admit that these medications simply do not work, by injecting numerous toxic, questionable chemicals into the human body no mere mortal has any idea what these chemicals are doing and can do to the human mind and body. Dr. Carl Fleisher must accept responsibility that he is part of the problem and quite frankly part of the solution. The patient was an inpatient at UCLA Neuropsychiatric (with a whopping medical costs execeding $200, 000.00 per stay of nothing more than doping and babysitting because these medications simply do not work. The patients suffer due to relapse and complete psychosis mental breakdowns due to these toxic drugs, then the patient was released and assigned to Psychiatrist Carl M. Fleisher. Fleischer injected Halperdahl several times, and there were many red tape bureaucratic issues with picking this injectible DOPE up from the local pharmacy. Upon arrival to his appointment, Dr. Fleischer was never prepared and the patient had to wait idle while this doctor ran from one building all the way across the grounds to another building just to obtain a syringe and needle to inject the patient. After injecting 100mg of Halperdahl into his patient Lance Coleman on Friday May 27, 2011 the young man went into an immediate severe psychosis state of shock. The patient's suffering led to a complete psychotic meltdown and he began exhibiting behavior that was not only alarming but resulted in the patient having to be tracked by Beverly Hills Police, handcuffed and then medi-evacuated out then admitted again for another ($200, 000.00+ inpatient stay of doping and babysitting) on a 5150 category back to UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital's Emergency Room. American Psychiatrist are using our loved ones as ATM machines and GUINEA PIGS. This medication has never worked, there has never been a single cure and these patients relapse on the regular only to return again in states of psychosis or they become an imminent danger to themselves or others as a result of the after effects of this bad, toxic BIG PHARMA dope. PLEASE be careful in dealing with this psychiatrist who is more concerned about his EGO and profits over patients than the truth.
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