This company appears to be pulling a fast one on people who are already in need of money to begin with. Uclip Usave, together with libery discount club /web discount club join to debit almost $100, or more from your account every month. I have tried to find out which "payday loan" online that is the culprit for this scam, so if anyone has any experience with this and would like to share that, it would be very valuable information.
Here's where I, and the ftc would also, have a problem with this company- they ARE debiting UNAUTHORIZED, from unsuspecting pople who cannot afford over $100 to be pulled out from their accounts. Hear this liberty discount club and uclip usave coupons- IF PEOPLE HAD THAT KIND OF MONEY TO JUST THROW AWAY ON SOMETHING USELESS LIKE YOUR "MEMBERSHIPS", THEY WOULD NOT BE APPLYING FOR A PAYDAY LOAN. You know, and I know it. It's a fact you know it, or else you wouldnt be getting these "memberships" by FORCE like you are. If there's one thing that makes me really mad is to see scammers take from the POOR. HOW DARE YOU. NOW, I will give people some advice on how to get the money back you are stealing.
FIRST- go to your bank. Demand that they assist you in filing a federal regulation E form for fraudulent withdrawls from your account. If they refuse, let them know that these charges are indeed unauthorized, and that if they will not help you in getting stolen money back into your account, that you will have no choice but to report them to your state's bank commissioner (look up who this is prior to going to ur bank. you can find who it is be typing in bank commissioner and then your state into google). They are who controls the banks, and keeps them in line. NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK AT IT, THIS CHARGE IS UNAUTHORIZED-according to the ftc, any company that does not CLEARLY disclose charges UP FRONT BEFORE submitting information, is in violation of consumer protection LAWS, and this company is in CLEAR violation. Not only did you not specifically go to their site, and deliberately join their membership, they have sneeked this charge into a bogus payday loan site. It would not surprise me in the least if this so called payday loan site was nothing but a phishing site to harvest credit card numbers for these companies to get and charge. I would suspect not one person has actually been approved and received a loan.
This company knows good and well this membership is unwanted. Why else would they have to force people to join through trickery????
Tell your bank this is fraud- it is unauthorized. Also, let your bank know that you want to change your account number- even if u cancel ur membership, they will right back sneeking into ur account next month, you can bank on it!
Also, since this is credit card fraud, this is a crime- report this crime to the ftc-, the attorney general, and to the fbi at Let your bank know that ur going to turn this company into the authorities for bank fraud. This is serious.
Here are some of their useless contact information. EVEN if you do cancel, be sure they will be back in helping themselves to the little money u have next month, or whenever they want. HANDLE THIS THROUGH UR BANK! DO NOT TRUST ANYONE WHO STOLE UR CARD INFO TO BEGIN WITH!