I am currently going through this with ULTIFRESHWELL aka DAZZLEWHITE. I cancelled within the 14 day trial via their internet, paid 6.99 for an e-mail ups label to ship the order back (it has a 10 day life to the e-mail), only 2 days later to have a charge of 79.28 put my bank account 120.00 overdrawn with 2 days left til payday with 20.00 overdraft fees accummulated each day. Chatted online with the live chat person, she stated that I had not cancelled eventhough I gave her a confirmation number and the UPS label number. Told me I had this company confused with another one but she would give me a cancellation #. I asked for a copy of the chat conversation to be sent to my e-mail and it was never sent there. I have contacted my bank who then gave me 3 phone numbers and 3 different companies names which were affiliated with this charge on my account and none of them worked.
The next day actually went to the bank to talk to fraud dept, only to be told that they could do nothing for me since the charge was still pending except cancel my card and order me another one when my account was out of the negative, also that I would just have to wait to file any paperwork (dispute claim, etc..) to see if the charge cleared. When I asked how it was taken out of my account, via MC or debit. Found out they took the amount out as a debit, so now I will have to file a report with the police department...all this headache for a freakin' 99 cent supposedly FREE trial of crap!!
This stuff isn't even anything other than hydrogen peroxide, of which you can go to any store to get a huge bottle of for 50 cents.
Then I look at all these other statements and the same old generic lines of apology are being sent in rebuttal to all who complain asking for the product back for a refund!! Yeah right!! Who keeps boxes from stuff shipped to them when the item is supposedly free? And why would you after already incurring a charge which has not been approved, then go and pay for a shipping label/box etc., in order to return this crap and come out of pocket even more?
I also blame all the internet sites who allow these companies to post this stuff on their sites before checking into them for the good of the public first.
Lesson Learned