This credit card company offers cards to people with bad credit. They charge high fees, but many people, like myself, need to re-establish good credit and this is the only way to do so. However, the Ultra VX card is a complete scam.
They actually reported 60-day delinquencies to Equifax and other credit agencies, even though I was never late and religiously made payments early and on time. In fact, they require money to be in your account before you can use your card, so it is impossible to be delinquent!
The company doesn't care; they will report you to have made late payments and then they try to extort money from you to clean your record. This company is a scam! Also, when I noticed the problem on my credit report, I am emailed customer service eleven times and got no response at all! Stay away from Galileo Processing and the Ultra Vx Visa card.