I called HSN because one of a multitude of items and sets of Ultrex non-stick cookware that I got from them was really in bad shape... peeled, burnt, and really nasty... other pieces (over 25) also do not look good, but this piece is used daily and is really in bad shape... and I have been sick for over one month since this piece got this way... with some weird immune positive ANA thing - yet to be categorized (all we know that it is nothing normally tested for) is my illness related??? Perhaps... But Ultrex gave a lifetime warranty on their products and then I noticed that they pushed it back to 50 years, but still stated that 50 years after you were an adult was a lifetime - never forget that pitch... Today, I decided that maybe the pan was making me sick, so I went on-line to see if I could replace the pan only to see that the moment you enter "Ultrex" you see that HSN does not honor the warranty because Ultrex/Innova is out of business... they told me that they could only honor the manufacturer's warranty... I argued with them and got a supervisor who when I told them they sold it on the basis that "If HSN stands behind it, it must be good... they then offered me $50.00 for my bad piece, I asked, what about my other 40 or so pieces... they said only $50 per customer... I said, why didn't they offer me this when I called to get a replacement piece?- they did not answer... I said - I do not want your $50.oo I would rather warn others of your false claims and possible medical issues associated with this faulty product... I told HSN and this is true of all telemarketers "DO NOT LET A MANUFACTURER MAKE A CLAIM UNLESS YOU WILL STAND BEHIND IT ON THEIR NAME. If you will not accept the liability then you must according to FCC guidelines Flash a disclaimer and state this disclaimer on the air... OR HSN and others should LOSE THE RIGHT TO SELL ON AIR.
Please pass this on and more importantly... the question is WHY IS ULTREX? INNOVA out of business??? And if you are not sick you can get $50.00 for your Ultrex piece... but if you are... wait... Please post this everywhere...